Walker x Reader

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SUMMARY— You're on your breaking point and Lyle's teasing pushes you to your limit.

Mean Lyle?? I know this WOULDNT exactly be like him to do but it fits the storyline better.

Kissing at the end so beware of that ig.

Wrote this on phone so unedited and stuff.

You sighed, finally you could rest in your bunk for once without Lyle shoving papers in your face that he wanted you to deliver for him. Whenever you told him to do it himself for once, he'd make an excuse about being temporary colonel was so difficult and the least you could do was deliver his papers for him.

Unfortunately, Colonel Quaritch had injured his leg during an outing in the forest and had to spend the next week in the med bay, which mean Lyle was temporarily the Colonel and you were the Corporal. You thought it would be okay but Lyle decided to use this as an opportunity to slack off a bit and make you do more work then ever. He claims it's to test you or something. What an asshole.

'Hey, got some more papers I need you to deliver.' Lyle shouted into your face, causing you to leapt up with your tail straightened up. You sighed.

'Wainfleet, with all do respect, can't you do this one yourself? I literally cannot have a minute of rest with you bugging me all the time. It's so simple to deliever this shit, just do it yourself for ONCE.' You groaned, your ears pinned back as you stared him in the eye.

'WOOAH no need for the anger. I can see why you're not the actual Corporal now.' He teased, but you weren't gonna take this so you just ignored him and  covered your ears with your pillow. He scoffed and folded his arms.

'Well, I guess this isn't gonna be the bestest of news to bring to Colonel. What a shame you're refusing to follow an order, may I ask why you wanna slack off?' He pushed his teasing even more, but this just caused you to snap.

You sat up and threw your pillow right at his face. You hissed with your tail flapping angrily behind you. 'ME? SLACKING? That's real fucking funny coming from you Wainfleet, you think being Colonel means you can get me to do all your dirty work, but unfortunately I won't tolerate that,'

'So fuck off and leave me the HELL alone. Quit being a lazy sack of potatoes and get to work.' You snapped, gripping tightly onto your blanket. Wainfleet stared at you in shock before he furrowed his eyebrows and walked off. You sighed heavily and flopped back onto your bunk.

Did I go too far? Was I being an asshole? You thought, not noticing the tears forming in your eyes that began falling down your face. You sniffed, turning to face the wall as you covered your face in the pillow.

Your ears flicked at the sound of the doors opening, you assumed it was Lyle again, returning to scold you for what you just did. 'Go away Wainfleet, I don't need to hear it right now.' You grumbled, your tail wrapping around your thigh.

'It's not Lyle, it's Walker.' The woman hummed, seating herself next to you. You looked up and sighed at her.

'Sorry.' You mumbled, turning back to look at the wall. Tears continued rolling down your face and you couldn't even try to stop them. You barely noticed the tears in fact.

She shook her head, sighing heavily while she took off her geared vest and goggles. 'Nah, don't be. Now what's wrong?' She asked, her voice as soothing as ever.

'It's nothing.. just stressed, I guess.' You muffled a reply as you bit your lip. A hand placed itself on your waist and you lightly tensed down a bit.

'It's more then that if you're crying like this. Don't tell me Lyle's using his power to make you do all his work now, is he?' She frowned, her tail resting on yours.

'I guess he is. He's just been such an asshole lately and I'm struggling to maintain my schedule properly. I've been getting less and less sleep, as well as food and he expects me to be cheerful and happy to do all these things for him!' You ranted, she listened carefully.

'I mean, come on man! I can't put up with this shit 24/7, maybe you can but I can't. I'm not meant to be the corporal and he knows it.' You sighed, finishing with your rant.

It went silent after that and it remained that way for a few minutes. Besides Walker's humming of course. Suddenly, she spoke up again. 'I'll kick his ass in the morning, he's deserved it for a long time and this hits my breaking point of holding back. But is there anything I can do for you in the meantime?' She purred softly.

You thought for a minute before turning to face her, you sat up and stared into her eyes. 'A kiss would be nice.' You smirked, and she chuckled. You meant it as a joke and didn't truly believe she'd actually commit to doing that but oh she did.

Walker wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you closer towards her face. In an instant, you were making out with the woman passionately.

After minutes of a heated make out session, you both parted lips and panted in exhaustion. Walker smiled teasingly, causing your face to turn a bright purple.

'I didn't think you'd actually do that. I meant it as sort of a joke..' You mumbled through your embarrassment, causing her to chuckle again.

'Well, that's a shame because it looked like you've been wanting one for a while now. I see the way you look at me.' She teased, watching as your face turned completely purple, including your ears.

'I love you, moron.' She spoke again, planting a kiss on the side of your cheek.

Another chapter because I'm again feeling blue 😭
Why the heck did I get a better idea for this then Zdinarsk's part?? Ah oh well, love my recom girlies dearly lmao

Hope you liked this chapter, it's fresh and unedited so any mistakes should be ignored because it's like 12 am and I can't sleep unless I write this out.

SORRY I keep updating this, I happen to find smallest typos when I go to read it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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