Memes,Comedy and Life

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This chapter is just like um... How should I put this in word...... This chapter is just Y/N talking with other countries and just having fun. 

AND admire the cute picture of my country above (°^°)


Scene no.1 : 

Britain: I hate those bloody Immigrants! They are up to no good! They need to get off my land! 

(Y/N)    : why tho? Why do you hate immigrants?

Britain: Why?! i will tell you, I will tell you! Because they don't even try to be British?! THEY DON'T EVEN TRY TO BE BRITISH!

(Y/N)    :what..? 

Britain: They come here, spread their BlOODY culture, bring their food and spit their BlOODY language and take over the whole BlOODY place!

(Y/N)    : .... Sounds British to me? 


(Y/N)     : listen, you should always stay positive! No matter WHAT happens! Ok! So now tell me how are you feeling? 

Ukraine: ok sir! I will tell you my secret!

(Y/N)      : ....? 

Ukraine: I lie to myself. Every morning when I wake up, I tell my self that everything's gonna be alright. And I don't know how long I can keep this up.....

*grabs Y/N by the collar*

(Y/N)      : ummmm.......

Ukraine: Have a great day!


America: two bestie in a row, they might kiss!

(Y/N)       : No, we won't.

America: yes, we are!

(Y/N)       : ........* Trying to open the car door*



Spain: (Y/N) you look so beautiful! Just like a house!

(Y/N) : what do u mean? ain't nobody living in side me.

Spain: well not until tonight ~


France : RUN........

*(Y/N) starts chasing spain* 


(Y/N)              : so, author-kun! When am I getting a break aaaaand my salary?

Author-kun : ....... So, get in to acting! 

(Y/N)              : wha-


(Y/N)   : Britain! Say coffee! 

Britain: uh.... Coffwee? 

(Y/N)    : *demonic laugh*


(Y/N)        : Hay, Australia! Did you remember the book haunted school? 

Australia: oh, yeah! What about it? 

(Y/N)         : well, remember how they did the Ritual in room 666? well this is the room!

Australia: oh yeah!!!

(Y/N).       : you know what that means?

Australia: oh, you bet I do!

*Canada and New Zealand walks in the room*

Countryhumans x Reader|(Oneshots)| Sino RaijinWhere stories live. Discover now