Chapter 1 - A Day Off

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It's been days, maybe weeks after the dance. Throughout those time frames, I avoided Draco and the others – I didn't do anything wrong, so if anyone needs to say sorry, it's them. I do miss them, having someone to hang with, but they hurt me. Although it's been days passed since Bella came back, she surprised me last night when she appeared unannounced in my room. I was glad for that to happen because she gets to spend the night with me and I get to have her close to me.

I was the first one to wake up, I turn to check if it was real or if it was just the most amazing dream I have ever had in my life. I smiled seeing that it is real, Bella is still next to me, sleeping. I didn't want to wake her up, so I laid right next to her and ended up sleeping again. I could feel her hands move, wrapping them around me. A few minutes in, I groaned and starts to flutter my eyes open. I see that she was already awake, looking at me sleeping.

"Mmm, morning Bella," I smiled looking at her.

"Hi, good morning darling." she kissed my forehead. I was going to ask her how her sleep was, but she beat me to it,

"Did you have a good night's sleep?" she asked while tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. I nodded, telling her that my sleep was good while stretching my body.

"Have you showered?" I sat up asking her, rubbing my eyes. She stood up and me a little twirl – showing that she did. Then I got up and went into the bathroom, locking myself in there where after a few minutes, I turn on the water tap and let it rain on my body.

"I know we had agreed on taking things slowly but I wish she could just walk in the shower with me and let things happen," I thought to myself as I lather myself with body wash, dreaming of the not-so-impossible thing to happen. As I walked out of the bathroom, I was glad to see that she was still sitting on the bed.

"I never thought I would say this but I envy the towel, how it's wrapped itself around your beautiful body. I wish that was me," she confessed, making me blush with her comment. As I was going through my closet, I caught her staring at me from the mirror's reflection.

"Earth to Bella, I know you're staring at me, baby. Your eyes could pierce through this towel." I smirked then giggled looking at herself being a little flustered after I caught her.

"Thank you for last night y/n, I never thought I could experience slow dancing with someone I love."

"Well, you made my night the most wonderful thing to ever happened to me in my whole life. Well, the second wonderful thing." She looked at me curiously, probably wondering what could be the number one thing that is so wonderful to me.

"Don't fret. Meeting you is at the top of that list. Because if I hadn't been invited to the Malfoy Manor, I would never have the chance to meet you and find someone that is my love, my life." I smiled as I took her hand, and gave it kisses. Just as we were having our moment, someone was at the door, knocking and banging it like a crazy person. It might be Draco, so I told her to hide which she did. She hid in the bathroom. I called out to the person on the other side of the door,

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Draco. Can I come in?" He answered

"Uh, hold on." I turned to face the mirror to tidy myself up before I open the door. Meanwhile, Draco is still knocking waiting for the door to be opened.

"Y/n, what is taking you so long? I need to talk with you about what happened at the dance," he pleads. As I open the door, he scanned me up and down then as his eyes reaches mine to make eye contact, he squints his eyes – trying to dig the dirt on me.

"What is it?"

"I just want to say I'm sorry about what happened. I promised you, but I broke it. I realized that. And I'm sorry about what Pansy said to you too. And I missed you. I know you avoided me and the gang, I wanted to talk with you but I just thought you might want the space. I know I should have said sorry earlier, I was so stupid." He looked sorry, I feel that he is genuinely caring and wanted to be forgiven, so I did.

"That's okay. It's just, you, out of all the people were the ones who made me hurt. I thought we would have fun together. Didn't you say; you wanted to have fun and hang out with us? If it wasn't for you, I would've stayed in my room but when I did go, you humiliated me, and Alan." I don't want to be harsh on him, he does look sincere in his apology so I accepted it.

"So uh, have you eaten breakfast yet? The gang and I are heading to the Great Hall if you want to join us. And later we're planning on going to Hogsmeade and hanging out at the Three Broomsticks, have some butterbeer." He asked, but I have to turn his offer down because I want to spend the whole day with Bellatrix if I could.

"Nah, sorry. I'll just stay here. Even though I accepted your apology, I still need some time to process the whole drama. I'll get some food later, if I want to join you guys, I'll come down. but I'm only talking with you, maybe Blaise, but not Pansy. And, thanks for your apology." I gave him a soft smile. He looked defeated as he stared down at his feet, and right at that moment, some cluttering noise was heard from the bathroom.

"What was that? Is there someone here?" he tried pushing himself into the room, but I hold him off.

"Is Alan here with you? Is that why you don't want to go? has he brought food for you?" he joked while still insisting on entering my room.

"It's uh, it's Rave. She's in there. I'm showering her." I nodded my head, I thought that was a good safe but it wasn't.

"Don't lie, I was just at the owlery to send a letter to my mom, and Rave was there sitting quietly. So whatever it is that you're hiding, it has to be so important to you that you don't want to tell me," he added. I can't hide the lie about Rave, he knows. I pulled him into my room. He kept pushing the fact that this commotion in the bathroom is Alan. Then the bathroom door unlocks, and he looked shocked.

"I'll say sorry to him," he whispered,

"Hey, Alan. Come on out. I want to say sorry about the other day, you know, what happened at the dance," he calls out. Luckily the rest of the girls are not around, or else they'll be poking their heads in trying to see what is happening.

"What I did was so uncalled for, I'm sorry. I guess I was just trying to protect y/n," he apologized while looking down as one of his hands rubs the back of his head. His aunt was already out of the bathroom. I guess the moment that the end of Bella's dress appears in his vision, he stopped and looked up.

"Hello, Draco." She greeted him with a taunting voice, probably trying to make him scared. Which is in fact, successful. He raised his head, only to see his aunt in front of him.

"Uh. Aunt Bella! I, I thought. Was that you, in there?" he said as his finger pointed towards the bathroom door. She nodded her head and smiled.

"Wait. What is going on here?"

"Nothing. She uh- Well, we," I was speechless. I have no words that come to mind. Then Bella jumps in,

"I stayed here last night. And I am pretty sure that is none of your business." She said in a scary tone, and I could see that Draco was all flustered.

"Bella, please. We wouldn't want any attention right now." I calmed her down. She smiled at me, but I could see past her that Draco wanted to get out of the room right then and there. So, I excused him. He mouthed 'thank you' because I can sense the feeling of awkwardness lingering in the air. Once Draco leaves the room, she closes the door behind her.

"So, who's Alan?" she asked me, wanting to hear an explanation.

"I didn't tell you? I thought I already did. He was, well uh, my date."

*a/n: the first chapter, the sequel to Torn Apart; so I hope to see the same amount of support for this book. oh, just FYI, this book is basically Bellatrix X Reader fanfic, not Bellatrix, Narcissa X Reader. but, Narcissa will be mentioned here and there, ofc. But I hope you will still like and enjoy this book!

**I enjoyed writing this, and hope yall will enjoy reading it too. If anything, any suggestions, yall can comment and let me know. Anyways, take care and stay safe always <3

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