Chapter 2 - Jealousy

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"No, you never told me any story with that name. I don't recall it. So, who is he?" she questioned me in a serious tone came out from her. Which chills me to the bone. All I could think of is how I messed this up. I hope it wouldn't make her angry with me as she did before when I first told her I was a half-blood.

"Well, he is uh. Just a date for the dance, that was all."

"Do I know him?" she asked again

"Uh, of course not. You have never seen him – you don't know what he looks like. He's just a friend of mine. And we went for the dance, just that, nothing more." I tried laughing it off, but she wasn't in the mood for any joke. She seemed a bit angry so I walked closer to her, taking her hand in mine.

"Bella, he's no one. I only have eyes for you, you know that," I tried consoling her, seriously hoping she would let this one slide but judging from her eyes, I knew that she wouldn't let it go. I call out her name once again, and she finally reacts to it by looking at me, she tries so hard to hide the fact that she's jealous but it doesn't work.

"Are you jealous? Of Alan?" I chuckled softly, pulling her in for a kiss. She smiled softly after I break off the kiss.

"Yes. I am." She confessed. I was taken aback because I thought she wouldn't answer much less said yes.

"Well, don't be jealous of him, he's just a friend that I happened to go to the dance with, nothing serious going on with us." Again, I tried consoling her. I stood in front of her, calling her name. She smiled and told me to promise that I was telling the truth. I nodded my head yes. Her hooked finger raised my head then she slowly leans to kiss me which I let her.

"I better get going now, or else I'll get in trouble." She said,

"Okay, am I going to see you again?"

"You bet. I'll come by tonight." She replied as she gave me a peck of a kiss on my cheek. Unknowingly I was giggling and blushing when she kisses me, I smiled softly.

"I love you,"

"And I love you more, y/n" she winked.

We made our way to the entrance of the Slytherin common room and went to the usual place where she would escape the Hogwarts grounds to apparate. Seeing her run crazily always made me chuckle, she even took a chance to turn and wave at me.

"Go, run." I mouthed the words while smiling and looking at her. She was gone from my sight and the Hogwarts grounds a minute later. I thought to myself, is it weird that I already miss her much?

I wanted to join the rest of the guys in the Great Hall, but somehow my legs didn't have the energy to go there, instead, I went to the secret place to get some quiet time. Draco was sitting there alone when I entered the place, fidgeting with his wand. He didn't hear me walking in so I walked slowly towards him – possibly thinking of wanting to surprise him. But the leaves are not on my side today, they decided to rustle as I walk which made him stand to turn to me.

"Damn leaves, ugh," I sighed. He chuckled looking at me.

"Hey, uh can I join you?" he nodded and moves aside to give me some room on the bench. It was quiet, no one dared to start up a conversation. I looked around at the place, and seeing the dried leaves on the floor, I played around with one that was close to my foot. It made that crinkling noise when I finally stepped on it, which also made him turn to look at me.

"So, it's official then? You and Aunt Bella. Are you guys a thing now?" he asked, although I don't know what he felt about it – he might be angry, might not.

"Yes. I guess you can call it that, a thing." He smiled at me and said,

"Good. I'm happy for you. I wonder if mother knows about this." I only raised my shoulders, I don't want to tell him about the day his mother came to Hogwarts and I accidentally spilt the tea on how I have a crush on her.

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