Let's start over💫💞

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📍NYC, Sugarhill10:27 a

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📍NYC, Sugarhill
10:27 a.m.

                    (WHAT DO YOU WANT DDOT?)


  I WOKE UP hungry as hell as decided to go to the deli so I threw on some clothes and went down stairs to be stopped by my mom calling me to the kitchen and it seemed like she wanted something from the store and she gave me a list of groceries and I mugged her as she gave me her food stamp card

"Yeah, and go ahead and get me those beef jerkies. Two of them matter of fact. And get me a arizona too please and thank you"

(A/n) skipping to the deli cause I'm lazy

I was up at the front counter trying to get this fire ass sandwich I always get when a group of boys around my age came in the deli and I guess I was starring to hard because one of them decided to call me out

"Yo wassup wit you ma?" The curly headed lightskin said

I just turned around and proceeded to grab my sandwich from Juan and said thank you before going down the list my mom gave me and as I went down the snack isle I just had to find the same boy from earlier

"Aye ma, why you ignoring a nigga?" He said as he wrapped his arm around me and when he did that I mugged him hard and moved his arm

"WHAT DO YOU WANT DARRIAN?" I said and he mugged me back, "Why you actin' like that ma?" He said wrapping his arms around me again and I just sighed and continued walking while grabbing the groceries from the list

"Maybe because my ex is talking to me after he just cheated on me not to long ago" Yes, me and ddot are ex's and he decided to cheat on me while I was on a trip but little does he know my bestie see's everything and when I say everything, oh you better believe it

"Yo yo yo that doesn't matter right now what matters is that I want you to be my girl again" he says stopping me in my tracks

"I'm not sure about that one" I say laughing and grabbing some snacks before going to the front counter with darrian following me "Come on ma, just give me one more chance, I promise I changed" (that's what they all say😒)

I sighed, "Darrian, how do I know your not gonna go and cheat on me again with some smooch?" I said as he groaned in frustration while sliding his hands down his face, "I promise I'm not ma, just give me one more chance bro, I swear"

I thought for a minute....

And a little longer



465 words 💞


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