Chapter 1: Ambushed

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{Location: Panama

On-screen: "There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory."
-Sir Francis Drake, 1587

The opened up underwater to a coffin before pulling back into a camera and
It had been one year since the whole thing in Los Angeles as Brie Natalie O'Connor or known as Brie Natalie Drake was on a boat with a man who was videotaping a discovery of her ancestor, Sir Francis Drake's coffin in the Panama ocean.

" so this what you were doing before you found me," Ramon ask her.

" yes, it was," Brie said

" what are you doing." Leon ask

" OK so technically, I'm not a cop I was hired to be one for reasons but after I let Dom go and saved your life Vince. I had a lead on a certain someone call Sir Francis Drake, and I also got tracked by a private investigator thinks to Elliot for his show." Brie told them

" Don't forget  to mention that her mother was a treasure hunter and her father was a race car driver." Ramon told them.

Chloe  and  Charlie both share it luck, knowing how dangerous adventure with Brie

"Love you need to stop going into dangerous situations." Charlie says

" Brother you know her."  Owen said

" yes owen I know her." Charlie told hus old brother

"You know what I realize that you and your brother is trying to kill me." Brie

The Shaw family looked at her

" and some thing that you guys need to know about her is that she always finds a way to get into danger and that danger follows her." Chloe

" come on I'm not that bad." Brie said  make everyone look at her.

" Really have you met you Natalie?" Charlie told her.

" so what is your real full name because they are called you by different names?" Letty ask her

" It's Brie Natalie Morgan but Me and my brother change it to Drake, sometimes I like to go by my middle name because I don't like my first name so sometimes people to call me by my middle name or they call me by my nickname, Nat but you guys can either call me Brie or Nat."Brie says

" and people call her Natalie when they want to kill her." Elliot says

" I thought your last name was O'Connor," Vince asks her

"Well our mother's last name be Morgan and our father's last name be O'Connor but like Nat said we changed to start our new life."Sam Drake said to him

"Who the hell are you?"  Leon ask

" I'm her older brother," Sam said as he lightly punched Brie's arm.

"You have a brother and why did you never mention it before," Dom ask her

" because right after I met you guys, I and him were in a prison with a man we should never speak His name, but stuff didn't go right and I thought he died. That's why I never mentioned him because it was too painful." Brie told

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