Chaper 2: The Search for El Dorado

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The scene opened up to Brie and Sully in the jungle, Brie was now wearing a brown tank top with little brown jeans and brown boots. She has a gun hosted on her left leg. Her hair has up in a ponytail with some of her hair up hang out by the side of her face.

Sully: Hold on. Hold on, kid. I'm not as young as I used to be.

Brie: You weren't too old for that little barmaid in Lima, were you?

Sully: Well, that was different and What about you with that street racer. Although I must admit, equally as strenuous.

Brie: Well, hang in there, old timer. We're just about there and let not talk about that anymore.

Sully: Y'know, this reminds me. I ever tell you about the time I pawned a phony 16th-century santo off on Pablo Escobar? (chuckles) Ah, risky move, but by time he figured it out I was- Nat, are you even listening to me?

Brie: Hanging on every word.

Sully hit her on the head," you won't listening to me kid."

"can everyone please stop hit me on the head." Brie said

Charlie laughed," Come on love you know that we love you right."

" yes I know that but sadly, why am I getting abused here?." Brie said

" how many times are you put our lives in danger?." Roman says

" how many times have it been?."

" 25." Sam told his sister

" shut up." Brie said

" whatever you say, baby blue." Sam said

Sully: Ah, why waste my breath.

After they has passing by the waterfall.

Sully: You really think Francis Drake came all the way up here, huh? We're an awful long way from England... Well

Brie: I don't get it... according to this we're right on top of the mark.

She showing Sully the device in her hand

Sully:Maybe you're not reading that thing right. Let me see it.

Brie: No, this is the place.

Sully:There's nothing here, Nat.
Another goddamn dead end.

" you don't even trust me to know where you are." Brie said

" sorry kid you know how I was have I have enemies."Sully told her

" and do you know how many enemies I have." Brie

" too many to count." Roman says to his friends

Brie look at him

"You know I'm right."

Brie:Easy Sully, just relax, let's take a look around

Victor Sullivan: Man, this is like trying to find a bride in a brothel.

The two of ran forward, searching around for any clues, until they all stumbled upon ruins

Sully Well, now this is more like it.what do you think this is, Incan

Brie:No, it's older than that, possibly two thousand years older

Brie stated, looking around, before she began climbing up to get a good look at the place, eventually finding a secret spot and breaking it open; as she dropped down to the ground, the three ventured forward into the underground part of the ruins

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