Chapter Fourty-Four

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While I was trying not to wake Luke, I cradled his head on my lap. His hair was matted to his forehead, and his skin had become pale. I had caught Luke just before he hit the ground, and now Levi kneeled next to me, his face contorted with concern.

“We need to lay him flat for now,” Levi said, sliding his hands under Luke’s arms. I nodded, and together we carefully eased him onto the floor. Levi’s hand trembled slightly as he brushed Luke’s damp hair away from his face.

"He’ll wake up soon," I whispered, but my own voice wavered. I wasn’t sure who I was trying to reassure—Levi, Luke, or myself. Everything that had happened up to this point had me on edge, and watching Luke collapse had shaken me deeply. The tension in the air felt suffocating, like we were all waiting for something to break.

Just as I was about to slip further into my anxious thoughts, Luke’s eyelids fluttered, and he groaned softly. His hand instinctively grabbed at Levi’s pants, using the fabric to pull himself upright.

“No, take it easy,” Levi said, his voice firm but gentle, helping him sit up. I could see the panic flicker in Luke’s eyes as he tried to process what had just happened.

"Have I passed out?" Luke asked, his voice hoarse and unsteady.

I forced a small smile. "Yeah. Are you okay?"

He nodded slowly, then winced, bringing a hand to his head. "I'm fine. Just... tired."

"You scared me," I admitted, my hand instinctively reaching for his. "I thought something was really wrong."

Levi, standing tall next to us, was visibly tense. His jaw clenched, and his fists balled tightly at his sides. “He needs rest. You’re pushing yourself too hard, Luke.”

“I’m fine,” Luke insisted, though his tone lacked conviction. "Just give me a second to catch my breath."

Levi exchanged a look with me, one that spoke volumes. We both knew this wasn’t just about Luke overexerting himself. The weight of everything—the accident, the secrets—was pressing down on him, and it was starting to show.

“Luke,” I said softly, running my fingers through his hair, “you don’t have to do this alone. You don’t have to carry all of this.”

He looked at me, his emerald eyes tired but filled with affection. “I know. But it’s hard not to when I feel like I’m the one who has to fix everything.”

Levi scoffed from behind us. “You’re not the only one involved in this mess, Luke. I’m here too. And I’m the one who needs to fix things.”

Luke shot him a frustrated look. “You think you can just take all the blame and it’ll magically make everything right?”

“That’s not what I’m saying,” Levi snapped, his temper flaring. “But I’m not letting you go down for something I caused.”

I could feel the tension between them rising again. It was always like this—Luke trying to protect Levi, and Levi trying to shoulder all the guilt. Neither of them willing to let the other bear the burden.

"Hey," I interjected, placing a hand on Luke’s chest to calm him. His heartbeat was still erratic, pounding beneath my palm. "We need to think this through, together."

Luke's eyes softened as he looked down at my hand resting on his chest, the steady rise and fall of his breathing easing. “You’re right,” he murmured, his voice barely audible. “I just... I don’t want to lose you, Ella. I don’t want to lose either of you.”

"You won't," I promised, squeezing his hand. "But we have to face this head-on, together."

Levi let out a deep breath, his expression softening just slightly. “We can’t change the past. But we can control how we deal with it now.”

Dylan, who had been standing quietly in the background, finally spoke. "This is going to get complicated," he warned, stepping forward. “Legally, this could blow up if it goes the wrong way.”

Luke shot Dylan a sharp look. “What do you mean?”

Dylan hesitated, his gaze flicking between Luke and Levi. “I mean, if it comes out that Levi was involved in the accident, even if it wasn’t intentional, it could lead to serious consequences.”

Levi crossed his arms, his jaw set. "I know the risks. But I’m not letting Troy take the fall for this anymore."

My heart ached at the weight of Levi’s words. His guilt was palpable, and I knew that he wouldn’t stop until he made things right, no matter the cost.

Luke ran a hand down his face, exhaling loudly. "And what about you, Ella?" he asked, his voice softer now, more vulnerable. "How do you feel about all of this?"

I blinked, caught off guard by the question. "How do I feel?"

“Yeah,” Luke said, his thumb brushing gently over the back of my hand. “I don’t want you to feel like you’re caught in the middle of all this.”

I bit my lip, trying to find the right words. “I just want this to be over. I want us to find a way to fix things, without tearing each other apart in the process.”

Luke nodded, his gaze holding mine. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that happens.”

Levi cleared his throat, cutting through the moment. “We need a plan. Sitting around here worrying isn’t going to solve anything.”

Dylan stepped forward again, holding a piece of paper in his hand. “I think I’ve got something that might help. It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s a start.”

Luke and Levi both turned to him, their expressions wary but intrigued. "What is it?" Luke asked.

Dylan handed the paper to Luke, who quickly scanned it, his brows furrowing. “This could work.”

Levi leaned over to look at it as well. "We could use this to get some leverage. But it's risky."

"We don't have much of a choice," Luke replied, his tone resolute. "It's either this or we keep playing defense."

Levi let out a low whistle. "Alright. Let’s do it."

The plan was set, but the tension in the room still lingered. As the conversation began to shift towards the logistics of their next move, I felt Luke's hand tighten around mine, his thumb tracing circles on my palm.

"Come with me," he whispered in my ear, his breath warm against my skin. "I need a moment alone with you."

I nodded, standing up as Luke led me down the hall to his bedroom. Once we were inside, he closed the door behind us, the sound of the lock clicking into place sending a shiver down my spine.

He turned to me, his eyes dark with emotion. "I hate all of this," he murmured, stepping closer until our bodies were nearly touching. "But I need you. Right now."

The intensity in his gaze made my heart race, and I could feel the tension between us shift from the weight of the day’s events to something more electric. He reached out, cupping my face in his hands as he pressed his forehead against mine.

“I love you,” he whispered, his voice low and husky. “I don’t want to think about anything else right now. Just you.”

My breath caught in my throat as I looked up at him, my hands resting on his chest. “I’m here, Luke. I’m not going anywhere.”

His lips crashed against mine in a searing kiss, all the tension, frustration, and desire from the day pouring into the moment. His hands slid down my back, pulling me closer, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, losing myself in the heat of his embrace.

We stumbled back towards the bed, our lips never parting, and when we finally broke apart, he looked down at me with a wicked grin. "I guess we’re not done talking yet, are we?"

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