do you wanna hurt me?

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It was chilly out, crossing my jacket over myself as I stood and watched Wilbur work on my car. I was really only there for support and to grab anything he needed. I felt bad he was doing this for me after everything he's already done for me within the past few weeks, especially out here in the cold. I crouched down to watch closely as he was changing the front right tire. It was complicated to me, watching him move around instantaneously without much fuss was shocking. I never would've taken him as some kind of mechanic.

My legs began to start cramping up over time, rising myself up to stretch them out a bit. Wilbur didn't seem to notice as I walked around the car a few times, feeling the ache vanish subtly. I eventually started to get bored, my short attention span couldn't stay watching him work confusingly on this any longer.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna go for a short walk,"

I announced, getting the brunet's attention quickly as he whipped his head toward me, seeming startled at my presence.

"Oh, sure thing,"

he replied, giving me a small concerned gaze,

"but it's getting a little dark, do you want a flashlight?"

I pulled out my phone to check the time. Six twenty-seven. God, when did it get so late? All I remember is talking to Wilbur this morning, and going to my apartment to shower before going back to Wilbur's to hang out a bit. I shoved my phone back into my pocket to answer the man.

"I think I'll be fine, but thank you. I have my phone if it gets any darker,"

I smiled gently, already slowly starting to begin my journey towards the narrow road.

"Alright be safe, text me if you need anything."

He waved his hand stiffly before turning his attention back to working on the car, hearing him mutter a few curses under his breath as it seemed he hit his hand on something.

Starting my walk, I find myself leisurely pacing down the road that seemed to almost crumble with each step, nearly losing footing here and there. I slip my hands in my pockets and gaze upward, noticing a few stars had began to show and burn brightly against the darkened sky. I allowed myself to take a deep breath, enjoying the alone time and fresh air, it's not often I open myself up to taking walks, especially alone. With each step, it feels as if I'm being followed, watched, and stalked. This is why it's hard for me to go out by myself. My paranoia doesn't allow me to do things I would want to.

Doing my best to flush away those thoughts, I subconsciously ended up picking up my pace slightly, feeling my legs go numb after a while as they continued to make larger steps every so often. No one is here watching you. There isn't even any way here to watch you anyway, I try to remind myself, doing my best to call the bluff my mind had stereotypically placed in my over-reactive brain.

I cast a quick glance behind, barely even able to make out anything that would possibly be there which only caused me more fear. I squint, hoping to either catch something that was there early or not catch anything at all. Stopping in my tracks to try and get a better view, I hatefully notice what I had been dreading. A somewhat taller figure was outlined after I was able to readjust my eyes to the now-looming darkness that engulfed the area. It seemed to have been moving forward, toward my direction with a quick pace along the side of the small road.

Panic quickly settled into my system, wasting no time, and sprinted. I hadn't a clue where I was even headed, hearing leaves crunching as I booked it into what I had then noticed was the woods. I didn't have time to stop and think, hoping I was turning in the right direction of the apartments. All I had to do was make it to Wilbur, I knew he wouldn't let anyone near us.

all i want is you ; simpbur x readerWhere stories live. Discover now