Sweden x Male!Reader: Let's Take A Nap

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A/N: I hope you guys aren't waiting on that Spain chapter. I really want to write one for him, but I honestly can't think of anything good right now. On a different note, I HATE writing Swe's accent. It's so difficult... Imagine him saying your name in that Sweden voice, okay? I hope you guys don't ship DenSu. With that, let's get started.

"_____." A deep voice said. "W'k up."

"H-huh..." You murmured, still half-asleep. Slowly, you forced open your eyes.

"AGH!" You screamed. A blonde-haired man you didn't recognize was kneeling by your bed, his face right in front of yours.

"Wh-who are you?!" You cried, desperately trying to cover your bare chest with the blankets.

"Name's Berw'ld."

"Berwald?" You repeated, a confused look on your face. "But... what are you doing here?"

"Breakf'st's ready." With that, he got up and left.

You looked around. This wasn't your house... Where were you?

It all came flooding back. You were crashing at Matthias' house after getting too drunk to drive home last night. A dull headache was starting to set in. It certainly wasn't the worst headache you'd ever had, but you would still have rather stayed in bed that day.

Your thoughts returned to Berwald. Was he one of Matthias' friends?

Too tired to think about it, you trudged out into the kitchen. You couldn't remember how much you had drunk last night, but it couldn't have been that much. Matthias was always teasing you for being a lightweight, and no matter how much you denied it to his face, you had to agree, really. You were a pretty huge lightweight.

"Ey, _____. How are ya doin'?" Matthias called, smirking at you.

You winced- "Too loud. Feed me pancakes plz." You looked around the kitchen, taking in the smell coming from the frying pan, and the fresh fruit piled up on the table.

Then, your eyes landed on Berwald. He was glaring intensely at you, his fork left abandoned on his breakfast plate.

"S't." He said.

"I-I didn't g-get that," You stammered, trembling under his gaze and backing away. What had you done to upset him? Was he angry because you had slept in so late? Or because of wht you said to Matthias? Or... Were you unpresentable? You looked down at yourself, realising immediately you forgot to put on a shirt. You looked back at him for a second, slinking backwards towards your room, blushing hard.

"Brah, he just asked you to sit down," Matthias called after you, but too late, you were back in your room, frantically searching through your stuff you'd dumped on the floor for a shirt.

When you came back, a little more clothed, you sat down at the table next to Berwald. You picked up a fork and started eating.

"So, _____, I guess you've met Berwald. He's my brother, just decided to drop by for the day, I guess!" Matthias explained, snickering. You didn't get what was so funny about it.

"O-oh." You replied, trying not to look at the tall blonde sitting next to you. Partly because he was so scary, but partly because he was also pretty hot. you didn't want to embarrass yourself any further, and you were wracking your brains for a reason why you'd upset him so badly- coming up with nothing.

An alarm beeped on Matthias' phone as he took his last bite. "Aw, shit. Sorry, guys, I gotta leave pretty soon- I'm helping Norge down at the market stall today."

"Huh? You're leaving?" You said, voice trembling. Matthias was leaving you alone with this hot, scary guy? Oh, fuck. What were you gonna do? How would you cope?

"Don't worry, I'm not kicking you out. Take yer time, get your shit together. You should come out see me later after you get home."

"S-sure." You subtly looked over at Sweden, and terrifyingly enough, he was eyeing the shirt you were wearing with an even angrier glare than before.

"Welp, I'm off." Matthias grabbed his keys and pulled on a leather jacket before leaving the small house. "See ya later, boys."

The door clicked shut, and you looked over at Berwald. "S-so I guess it's just us n-now... Ha ha..." You babbled, stuttering worse than normal. Anything to stop him glaring at you like that- you couldn't bear thinking you'd made him angry.

Berwald looked up into your eyes. "Tak th't off."

"Wh-what?! I-I-" You spluttered, nearly falling off your chair.

He ignored you, reaching down and pulling the shirt over your head. You couldn't do anything to protest, practically frozen in place as he picked you up and carried you back to the spare bedroom you had slept in.

"B-Ber-" You couldn't get any words out as he dropped you onto the bed. Where the heck was this going? Wherever it was, you didn't think you had the will in you to stop it. Berwald was just way too hot...

Berwald suddenly pulled his shirt off, causing the breath to hitch in your throat. You couldn't take it. Berwald had a perfect body. Your hand twitched, wanting to touch his biceps.

He laid down next to where you sitting, grabbing your waist and dragging you down to lie with him. He was being awfully rough with you. What was going through his head?

He curled around you, spooning you gently. Cold metal- a necklace- dug into your back. He pushed it out of the way, soft fingertips lightly caressing your bare skin. Then, he slowly leant his head down, softly kissing the back of your neck, and giving a lot of attention to your chest with his hands.

You shivered. His kisses and touching were kinda turning you on, but it looked like all Berwald wanted to do was take a nap. He had fallen asleep already, breathing in and out quietly and steadily.

You smiled sleepily. Not caring quite how you got roped up in this, you snuggled into Berwald's strong arms, and drifted off peacefully. The hotter stuff could wait until after you both woke up.

A/N: I hope Sweden and Denmark were in character. They're difficult for me to write, especially Den. Also, I was gonna have Reader-Kun staying at Finland's house, but my poor SuFin heart couldn't bear it. I do ship DenSu, but it was just easier for me to take it this way. xD

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