Poland x Male!Reader: Best Boyfriend Forever

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A/N: This one is so cute, I can't even. I've been working on it for freaking ages, but I finally got around to finishing it today! I love Poland. I also love getting requests for characters! (I got a request for Hong Kong a while back, so that should hopefully be coming soon- but it's a bit slow since I'm not sure what I want to happen. I'll get it done eventually though!) Leave your requests in the comments please! <3


"Happy Birthday, _____!!"

"Ah- Feliks, You remembered!" You glowed, smiling happily. Feliks was the first friend you made after you moved to your new school, and the two of you were practically joined at the hip. You hung out together every free moment you had, and you were even invited to Feliks' family gatherings sometimes. This was partly because the Polish boy's family were so cool and were fine with it, but also because you couldn't bear to be apart for too long.

Feliks reclined back against the sofa for a second, before he suddenly sat up, eyes shining. "Oh! Yeah, _____, your present! I almost forgot." He pushed a large box tied up with a pink bow into your hands, grinning as you looked up at him in surprise.

"Feliks, this box is huge... What is it?" You asked, fingers trailing over the ribbon as if afraid to ruin it.

"Open it!" Feliks cried, laughing at your confused face.

You finally pulled off the ribbon and lifted the lid.

All you could see at first was soft fabric and too many bows to count. You had no idea what Feliks' gift was, even though the lid was off. So you gently took it by the top and lifted it out.

"Y-you... Bought me a dress?" You said, mouth agape as you realised what it was. The dress was rich blue, and the skirt thigh-length, held out with white petticoats. It was trimmed with white lace, and patterned with dark blue vines and had a white apron. There was a white shirt attached underneath.

"Yeah! Of course, do you like it?" Feliks asked, his eyes shining.

You didn't know how to answer. The dress was beautiful, but... Really? A dress? You couldn't wear it.


"Oh..." Feliks' face dropped. "I-it's okay, _____. You don't have to wear it. I'll take it back to the store."

Your heart hurt as you saw the look on his face. "No- uh..." You smiled at him. "It's beautiful."

"Will you put it on for me, _____?" Feliks asked, looking at you pleadingly. "It would look so good on you. I really wanna see you in it. Pleeeeeaaase?"

You paused, considering it. You would probably never wear the dress out, but you wanted Feliks to know you appreciated the gift. So you bit your lip, and said "Okay. But no photos."

His face lit up once again. "Yaaaay!!" He shot forward and hugged you. "Thank you, _____."

"Okay, okay," You cried, as heat rushed to your cheeks. It tended to happen when you were hugged (Or even just touched at all) by blonde-haired, green-eyed boys who were somehow cute and sexy at the same time, and it tended to happen even more when you had a huge crush on them.

"Like, go and get changed, _____!" He cried, grabbing your hands in his.


"_____, why are you taking so long?" A voice called from outside your bedroom door.

The truth was, you didn't even know where to start with the dress. You had stripped to your underwear, but the dress lay on the bed, untouched.

"Ummm..." You called back, unsure what to say.

Hetalia x Male!ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu