Watching from the sidelines

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" Honestly, I'm a little hurt that my dear family didn't even recognize me. Sure I don't look as pretty but still it's the thought that counts." Cassie awkwardly shuffled her feet from side to side, quietly listening to the villain explain his whole ass backstory to his family. She felt like maybe she should walk away or go back to help with the evacuation but every time she made an attempt to back out Dabi would shoot a small blast of blue fire in her general direction as if to warn her to stay put.

It wasn't until she was hit with a sudden thought that she finally stepped in. Earlier when she had been sparring with Mr. Compress she had seen a figure hunched over a laptop next to Dabi. And now she could hear a couple of her classmates from over the communication link talking about some kind of broadcast interruption that had cut off a live coverage of the raid.

It probably wasn't a good idea for the media to even be covering the raid in the first place but the damage was already far too noticeable so it couldn't exactly be avoided. Cassie had a sneaking suspicion about what Dabi or well Toya technically, had set in motion. It was way to conveniently timed to be a coincidence.

" This is so fun, there are so many ways I could ruin your lives right here at any moment, it's got my heart racing! " Dabi clapped his hands together moving his feet to a silent rhythm only he could hear. His movements were stiff and jerky like he was being pulled by invisible strings. Again Cassie had to wonder why the hell was she even here?

Cassie shivered, the man was unhinged if it weren't obvious by his voice and words it would have been clear through his expressions and those piercing blue eyes. " Originally I was going to kill your little puppet Dad, then you unexpectedly became the number one hero and I wanted to make you proud."

His words were almost sad despite how harsh and pointed they were. Somewhere inside this man was a scared child, Cassie could almost sympathize with him. She too had her childhood self locked away inside of her.

" It must be so hard, but the past won't go away! You reap what you sow!'' Dabi pressed his hands to his chest laughing maniacally. " Isn't that right little fairy?'' Cassie jolted to attention glaring up at the man resisting the urge to flip him off.

" You've been chasing the past for as long as you can remember haven't you?'' Dabi's voice dripped with false sympathy as he frowned down on her. " Poor poor little fairy." the pinkette gritted her teeth looking at the ground angrily. How the hell did he even know about that in the first place. From the corner of her eye Cassie could see Izuku glancing at her in slight confusion.

" Back to my lovely family now, come dance with me in hell father!'' smoke began to rise from the man's body as he began to activate his quirk. Endeavor for once in all the times Cassie had seen him looked completely and utterly distressed. " No, Toya is dead.'' the hero whispered almost on the verge of tears.

Dabi shook his head letting out a loud tsk noise. " Didn't it ever occur to you that flame quirks are a dime a dozen? " His torso moved first, bending forward as if he were about to jump. " Thank you for being alive and well until this day, Endeavor!"  He did in fact jump, right at Cassie, Todoroki and Endeavor, like a deranged fucking rabbit.

" Protect Midoriya, Bakugo and Cassie, Hado and I will fight!" Todoroki shouted at his dad, his right side lighting on fire as he readied an attack. Cassie jumped away from the fire instinctively, glancing over at Endeavor to see what he would do and if he needed backup but the man was frozen in place.

Cassie bit her lip in frustration " well god damn, bitch is broken." Cassie hissed in anger blocking a fire attack with a wall of earth. She was almost at her ten minute limit so this fight had to start moving fast.

Long tendrils of string shot from the sky trapping the giant in place, not that he was really going anywhere, as a figure plummeted to the ground from above. " Oh for fucks sake, why can't you guys just come in normally!" Cassis shrieked, directing her attention to the falling pro hero, creating a bed of leaves to cushion their landing.

Cassie yelped, jumping away from another attack of blue flames only to be swept off her feet by her best friend who grinned widely down at her, her red eyes reflecting the sunlight. Cassie could see out of the corner of her eye Best Jeanist fighting against Dabi who was burning away his thread.

It was just then that the giant decided that apparently now was the time to wake up. How had Cassie not seen that coming, the situation just kept on getting progressively worse. " Sorry Fox, we didn't mean to startle you!" Mirio shouted as he dove off of Ray's back where he had been previously, joining his friends in the fight.

" I'm going to drop you off somewhere Cassie, the fight is going to get bad and you need to regain your energy." Ray told her best friend who frowned in defiance. " Oh bullshit Ray I can still fight, you guys need my help!"

Ray shook her head, her long blue hair bouncing with her head movements. Cassie was about to say something but her attention was drawn to red and blue flames clashing back and forth not too far away. " Shoto!" Cassie gasped fearing the worst as his body was blasted away by his own brother's flames.

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