Fourteen: Mana

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Later that night, after everyone had eaten and was soundly asleep, Aleksei found himself sitting outside of the rooms, looking up at the ceiling--specifically a dark spot from moisture--and spacing out. When someone came into his line of sight, he blinked. "What are you doing up?"

"I was restless," Medusa replied as she knelt down in front of him. "And you, master?"

"I haven't done enough to be tired," He sighed, and a light smile crossed the servant's face. He is still complaining about not being able to do anything even now, she thought to herself as she shifted forward.

"Then how about we exercise together?" Medusa suggested, attempting to keep the blush off her face since it wasn't often that she took initiative. Aleksei's eyebrows raised at her request, not dense enough to not know what she meant.

"Are you sure? This isn't exactly a good place to do that kind of thing," He said, but Medusa didn't back down.

"I trust you, Aleksei."

"Alright then," He hummed, then moved so that his legs were crossed. "Come here," He murmured, extending his hand to his servant, who took it and took a seat in his lap. Running his hands over her sides to take hold of her hips, Aleksei closed his eyes as Medusa's hands cupped his face, and then her lips descended on his.

Neither of them were good kissers, but Medusa had more experience than Aleksei did, so she usually led them and that was still true now as she rocked against him, her hands carressing his cheeks as her tongue licked inside his mouth. Met with little resistance, she probed further. A second later, as they parted, Medusa shuddered as the warmth of her master's hands left her hips and reappeared on her face.

Her blindfold fell with their appearance, causing her eyes to be revealed. Out of instinct, the rider shut them, but Aleksei grunted his discontent and began rubbing circles under her eyes with his thumbs. "Look at me, Medi. Let me see those enchanted eyes of yours."

In that instant, she felt silly. She knew that her mystic eyes wouldn't do anything to her master because of the person he was, and so there was no reason to not look at him. "...Aleksei," Medusa murmured once she had reopened her eyes. There was a soft smile on his face as he tilted his head at her.

"There they are."

A smile of her own softened the rider's expression. Whenever they were like this, Aleksei always felt the closest to her, and somehow felt like he was undoing all of her barriers with just one look. But she didn't mind because she didn't need barriers with him. "My eyes are yours as well as the rest of my body, as long as you'll have me."

"I know," Aleksei replied, then went in for another kiss as his hands returned to Medusa's waist, and then further down. She shivered as his warm hands touched the skin of her legs, pushing up past the fabric of her dress and towards her panties.

As she kissed him harder in response, Medusa got to work undoing her master's pants and pulling out his penis. It was only half hard, so she stroked it until it was fully erect, then broke the kiss for a breath that she really didn't need but reflexively wanted. "I have to ask. One. More. Time," Aleksei murmured, punctuating with soft kisses to Medusa's neck and collarbone. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," She breathed, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the moment. "Take me, Aleksei."

"Very well," The Russian hummed against her skin before lining himself up with her entrance and pushing inside. They both sighed at the action, and then Medusa once again took the lead as she began bouncing in his lap, taking as much of her master in as she could with each descent. Aleksei made sure to match her pace so that she wasn't doing everything, getting several soft moans out of the servant before he swallowed the next to erupt as he kissed her again.

Meanwhile, Chulainn was propped up on an elbow while looking at Iskandar, who was chuckling to himself. "So, does this happen often?" The lancer probed, and the conqueror shook his head as he glanced at the door seperating them from the action.

"Not at all. Neither of them have a very high sex drive, which is beyond me, but as long as they're happy, I have no complaints," He smiled, which quickly turned into a smirk at his next words. "I'm pretty sure Medi being jealous is what caused this spontaneous round, which is something that has happened before."

"She's jealous?" Chulainn's eyebrows rose as he moved so that he was sitting up, showing his intrigue.

"Well," Iskandar gave him a look. "You and Enkidu haven't exactly been subtle."

"...Is that so?" The lancer sweatdropped with a quiet laugh. He supposed that since he had never been subtle in life, it was unlikely he'd be able to hide his intentions now that he was a heroic spirit.

"Ah, don't worry," Iskandar suddenly spoke up again. "Medi knows that Aleksei is a popular guy, and she's resigned herself to sharing him. They've even talked about that very thing! I guess what I'm trying to say is," He gave the lancer a thumbs up. "It's an open relationship, so if you would like to pursue him, you can!"

"Thank you, Rider," Chulainn said, laying back down with a strange look on his face. "I'll certainly give it some more thought."

"Good! I wouldn't approve if you went after him and weren't sure of your feelings. That weasel Merlin is enough of a problem," Iskandar huffed with a shake of his head, drawing another chuckle from the lancer. After that, it was mostly silent in the room, and eventually Aleksei and Medusa returned to their respective futons and got to sleep after being properly spent.

"Wow, you're practically glowing today, Medi!" Mash commented the next morning as they stood outside of the inn, causing the rider to flush slightly before allowing a smile to cross her face.

"Thank you, Mash. I suppose it's because I slept so well."

"It was a very pleasant inn to stay at, wasn't it?" The shielder said. "It's my first time at one!"

"Oh my, is that so?"

"She really is glowing though," Chulainn muttered to himself as he stood a bit of a ways away, at least out of hearing distance. "Especially with all that extra mana she got from Aleksei."

"Rider got extra mana from Aleksei?" A voice asked, causing the lancer to start and whip to face the person. It was Jeanne, who looked confused. "Why would she need more mana?"

"Who knows?" Chulainn covered with a shrug. "Maybe Aleksei had an excess and wanted to get rid of some. He is pretty powerful after all."

"I've never heard of a mage having excess mana," The ruler furrowed her eyebrows at the thought, causing the lancer to sweatdrop.

"Well, maybe now's a good time to ask," Chulainn felt a smirk slip onto his face as he recalled that, during their talk, Aleksei had given him permission to approach and ask him anything at any time. Guess I'll be taking advantage of that today.

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