Chapter 7

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Osgood was watching the moment Missy seemed to trip over.

For the normally poised and graceful psychopath it was so unusual that everyone stopped dead in their tracks and one moved to help her...they weren't insane after all.

They simply stood there frozen unable to move as the time lady dragged herself back to her feet, her slender form actually shaking as she pulled herself up. Yet once there it was the way she stared deeply out of the floor to ceiling glass wall that looked out over the darkened Nethersphere, a look akin to desperation on her face that really had Osgood worried.

Unable to resist indulging her curiosity Osgood stepped closer, pivoting on to her toes as she tried to work out what Missy was staring at with such intense concentration and longing. Yet the Nethersphere was dark, the buildings that had housed the minds of the dead powered down after their guests had left leaving only these service conduits or routine system file pathways with power.

Osgood had stretched her mind making the comparisons that made sense to her ever since Missy's dramatic demonstration of the Nethersphere's version of a firewall that had vaporised one of their little group.

"What is it?"

Osgood couldn't help but ask, surprised when Missy didn't immediately make comparisons between her observational skills and that of doorknob. Instead she watched as the timelady reached up and laid her palm against the glass, stroking it gently, her eyes closing as her face seemed to fight for an expression it could agree on.

"Nothing... It was nothing...just a trick of the light or maybe an old ghost."

Missy's reply was barely a whisper and Osgood couldn't decide if The Master had intended to answer her or not.

"We should keep moving...there is still a long way to go."

Missy added this time her voice was once again her own and her face was once again back under her control and yet standing so close to her Osgood could see her hands were still trembling.

"Actually I think we could all do with a rest." Osgood suggested boldly, not sure why she was showing any kindness to her own murderer yet perhaps that was what made her better than Missy, that she could still be kind even when she didn't have to be.

"You can rest when you're dead."

"We are dead." Osgood retorted with a snort. "You killed us remember?"

Of all the reactions Osgood hadn't expected The Master to giggle; grab her by the throat for her impertinence yes, throw her head back and laugh no.

"That's right I did." Missy remarked when her giggles were back under control and she turned her ice blue eyes on the little earth scientist.

Squirming slightly Osgood felt her discomfort increase as Missy tilted her head to the side and looked at her, really looked at her, and for Osgood it almost felt like the timelady could look inside of her. Could see all of the secrets that Osgood tried so desperately to hide, could expose all her insecurities and laugh at them just like her sister had. Poor ugly unloved Osgood, the one with no friends and who thought staying in all the time playing with her silly experiments would ever amount to anything.

"You're too nice for your own good Skip." Missy sighed before reaching out and patronisingly patting the younger woman's cheek.

"You need to toughen up a little stop letting people walk all over you."

Freezing as she felt the other woman's cool touch almost caressing her skin Osgood couldn't restrain her impulse to bat the touch away. She didn't want...

"Stay out of my head!"

Osgood demanded surprised when this rude reaction caused Missy to smile broadly.

"Now that's my girl." The Master teased a sparkle returning to her blue eyes. "Not too difficult was it?"

"No." Osgood grudgingly admitted flushed with conflicting feelings of pride and revulsion at her own reaction to Missy's praise and approval. "And I am not your girl."

"Aren't you?" Missy questioned a smirk playing about her lips as Osgood glared back at her in defiance.

"Hmmm not yet perhaps but soon...very soon I think. I could show you the universe you know...all of space and time without The Doctor censoring all the interesting bits. I used to have companions too, well of a sort, more conquests but still..."

"I am not interested." Osgood retorted firmly denying to herself that she was even the slightest bit tempted.

Smiling coquettishly Missy reached out and tugged at the lapels of Osgood's lab coat, straightening it neatly in a familiar manner. "Well the offer stands...well at least until you start to bore me."

"Then I will endeavour to become as dull as I can as quickly as possible." Osgood muttered sullenly earning her another amused smile from Missy who seemed to take rejection in her stride.

"Oh it's going to be anything but dull I assure you...Tell me Skip how good are you at climbing?"

Thrown by the abrupt change of conversation Osgood could only stutter in confusion. "What?"

"No...How about falling?" Missy questioned innocently before answering for herself. "Well I suppose that comes naturally you'll catch on..."

Then before Osgood could scream a word of protest Missy seized her by the shoulders and pushed her clear through the plate glass window.


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