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it was a new day soon, the sun rose high and everyone in the village started waking up. when i woke, i expected my family, but i was in my own hut now. there was no one but me. at least i had ample space. i got up for the day and went out to collect some fruit for breakfast. there was some trees near the rear of the village, so i collected the fruit and brought it back to my marui and ate.

i was back in normal duties today, my day off was yesterday. feeding the ilu's, teaching smaller kids to breathe and dive, then teaching the older kids how to hunt. the elders in the clan say i have a natural affinity for the children. i say perhaps, or maybe i just like teaching our ways. soon i was done with my duties and had time to do what i please. just when i returned to my marui, the warning shell was sounded. i looked out to see four ikran flying over the village, to land on the main sandbank.

with a quick huff i grabbed my spear and raced down to the shore, spotting tonowari and ronal on the way down there. since i was one of their prized warriors, i had to at least make an appearance in case of a threat. when i reached the crowd that had formed, i pushed through to see a group of darker skinned na'vi, who looked to be omaticaya. there was one adult and four children in the group.

both tonowari and ronal arrived then, and the older male greeted him by name; they must know eachother. i made my way closer, and stood next to ronal. i knew she would be harsh on these newcomers, if they were to even stay. she was a force to be reckoned with in times like these. tonowari announced that the man was know as jake sully, or toruk macto. he was seeking uturu for his family.

ronal perked up at that and circled the group like a vulture. she picked at their tails, their fingers. some of the children had 'demon blood' she claimed. but jake was quick to intervene and show her his hands. he had the demon blood first. tonowari pulled his mate back and reasoned that although jake is a famed war hero, the metkayina are not at war. he could not let him bring his fight to us.

jake was desperate now. he pleaded with them, he was done with war, he just needed to keep his children safe. at that moment i felt for the man. he was just trying to do what was right by his kids. tonowari turned back to ronal and they shared a look, almost as if they were communicating with their eyes. ronal finally relented. but then tonowari whispered something to her that i happened to overhear. "we don't have a marui free for the family."

i perked up at this. mine was big enough for the five and me. "tsahìk, if i may. they can stay with me. my marui is rather big and i would get lonely." ronal turned to me. "you are sure?" i nodded at her with a smile. it was the least i could do for the family. they were seeking uturu. "very well then. toruk macto and his family will stay with us. treat them as our brothers and sisters. now, they do not know the sea. so they will be like babies.. taking their first breath. teach them our ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless."

tonowari looked at me on the last line. i had a feeling he was going to ask something big of me. "my son ao'nung and daughter tsireya will show your children what to do." he continued. tsireya stepped forward to show them the village. i quickly pulled her aside to let her know which hit to put them in. "hey 'reya, could you take to my marui? i will be with you soon" she had a fleeting look of confusion before nodding and walking with the family.

i turned back to tonowari. "i have a feeling you want to ask me to do something." he laughed at my observation. "well you are not wrong. i am asking you to train jake in our ways. his children will be with mine and i need a seasoned warrior to teach him. you are perfect for the task." "of course." we parted ways after that and i returned to my marui to meet tsireya and the sully's.

"welcome to your new home." i spoke up when i entered. all heads whipped towards me, including tsireya. "there wasn't any other marui's so you will be staying with me, in mine. hope that's okay." a light smile slid onto my face when i looked at jake. "of course. kids what do we say." a chorus of 'thankyou's' were sang back at me and i couldn't help but smile at the youngest, tuk i think her name was.

"anytime. get settled for today, then training will begin tomorrow. tsireya, ao'nung and rotxo will help your children and i will work with you, jake." he smiled at me then, and i went to put my spear back on its stand. instead i opted for the fishing bow i had. "i am going to hunt for our dinner tonight. i shouldn't be too long." the family all nodded and returned to unpacking.

i saddled up my ilu with her fishing gear and then went out to reef to catch. since it wasn't just me eating, i had to take more for the sully's. i caught three bigger fish and then made my way back to shore. my ilu swam off after i was close enough to the beach. by the time i made it to said beach, it was nearing evening. just in time for dinner. i walked to my hut and found all the sully's still there, to which i greeted them all.

"kaltxì. i brought home dinner, we just have to cook it." i held up the three fish. the family all smiled and thanked me for it. then the two older boys asked if they could help me with the meal, both seemingly more eager than the other. "of course, i will show you how we gut the fish." the two, whose names i learnt were neteyam and lo'ak, sat down next to eachother while i sat in front and reached for my knife to gut the fish.

the boys followed my every move, picking up the skill quickly and grinning at me when i praised their technique. "how old are you?" the younger one, lo'ak, suddenly blurted out while his brother blanched at his words. "skxawng! you cannot ask that. it is rude." then turning to me. "i am so sorry for my brother, tayala, he has not yet learned manners." his last words aimed at lo'ak. i sat quietly while the two bickered, and smiled at the whole situation. "it is okay. i take no offence. to answer your question, lo'ak, i am 22."

both boys stopped arguing at my words. they looked somewhat shocked and in awe at my revelation. "you do not look that old." this time the words came from neteyam. jake must've been listening in to our conversation, as the next words came from his side of the marui. "boys! do not be rude!" then a simultaneous "sorry dad." followed shortly after. "it is okay jake, i am not offended. i understand i look younger than i am."

we finished gutting the fish and cooked them over the fire that jake had organised, and shared the meal together. we sat in a circle around the fire, me next to jake and tuk next to me. neteyam, lo'ak and kiri sat on the other side. it was mostly quiet while we ate, the crackling of the fire being the only sound. then jake turned slightly to me, and a quieter, "do you live here by yourself?" followed.

i looked up at him and smiled, "i do, yes." he hummed in thought for a second before looking back at me and offering a gentle, "thankyou for letting us into your home so willingly." his words melted my heart slightly, and i looked to the children who were eating happily. "i am happy to. you deserve a safe space." we sat and ate in comfortable silence after that.

it was crazy to think that in the span of two days, i had moved out of home, and met a family of omaticaya that i now have a slight soft spot for. we all finished up and it was eclipse by then so i put the fire out and helped tuk set up her mat to sleep. the young girl held onto my hand when i tried to go set my own mat up, looking at me with her doe eyes and asking me to sleep next to her.

my heart took one look at her and immediately melted. "of course, tuk. i just have to get my mat and we can sleep with the blanket i made, yea?" tuk brightened up then and nodded happily. i went to grab said blanket and my gaze passed over jake, who had a soft, glazed over look in his eyes. he had watched how tuk and i were interacting. seeing his youngest so attached must have brought memories back.

we all went to settle down then, me lying with tuk cuddled close, kiri on the other side of tuk and jake on my other side, holding the boys close. it was a comfortable arrangement, though part of me wanted to be closer. everyone slowly drifted into sleep, while i lay awake. my mind mulled over the day over and over before finally succumbing to sleep.

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