Mattheo taking care of you while sick

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Mattheo and you were just a few weeks in relationship. He was everything a person would want in a boyfriend. You were in Potions class when you started feeling dizzy. You were sitting with Mattheo. If it weren't for you sitting you'd already fall. At first you tried to ignore it, but with every passing minute it was getting worse.

You raised your hand and asked for premission to go to the bathroom. While slowly walking you got a strong headache, in just seconds your vision was blurry.

Last thing you remembered before blacking out completely were two strong arms picking you up bridal style and carrying you throughout the hall.

You opened your eyes, your vision blurry. Then you recognized in whose dorm you are and whose bed you were laying in. Just as you started to get up, someone pulled you back down. Turning your head, you realized it's was Mattheo.

"Lay down, darling. You need to rest."

"Why aren't you in class Theo?

"You were sick, I couldn't have just let you be sick and not come here to take care of you."

I see he put a towel on my forehead, put a puch of pillows to get me to lay comfortably, brought me food.

"You did all this? For me?" I aks him in shock.

"For who else, dummy?"

"You're the best." I smile at him thankfully.

"I know." I roll my eyes at his cockiness. He hands me the medicine.

"I don't want to Theo."I shake my head.

"Baby, you have to. To get better. How else am I supposed to survive Draco ranting, Pansy and Blaise being all loveg and the rest of our group, huh? Please princess, for me."

"Fine." I take the cup and the medicine and swallow it. "Happy?"

"Very." He replies with a smile.

"Can you lay here, with me?"

He just looked at you grinning "Of course darling" was all he said before he came under the covers with you, cuddling you.

"Are you feeling better love?"

"Now more than ever. " was your reply before you both slowly drifted to sleep. 

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