III. I Love You...Slowly...

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— love me slow, love me wild...love me however you like —

love me however you like —

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"So that ancient guy is finally dead?" Kim chuckled, "I thought that you were here to bring bad news but this is fucking fantastic!"

"You have always hated our father, that's why I never understood why you turned him into a vampire too but not Tankhun. It didn't make sense then and it doesn't make sense now," Kinn said quietly, shoulders hanging low, a clear sign that he was more than done with his younger brother. He regretted even coming there.

"Did you really never figure that out throughout all those years?" Kim said quietly back, taking Chay's hand in for support and stability that he always craved but needed mostly when it came to his family. Chay slightly shifted, planting a soft kiss on Kim's neck and brushing a wandered strand of Kim's hair away from his face.

"Just send him away," Chay whispered.

"No," Kim shook his head and then focused his attention back on his brother, "I didn't turn Tankhun into this," he pointed at all three of them, "because I loved him. Back when we were still humans out of everyone in the family he was the only one who stood beside me, who understood me and actually cared about me. He didn't deserve this hell we have to carry on our shoulders now. Don't you get it? I didn't turn you and our father into vampires to give you some kind of gift of eternal life, I turned you so you'll have the same fucked up rest of eternity as me. Or don't tell me that you are suddenly enjoying this undead life."

To Kim's surprise, Kinn laughed, "you are joking, right? Am I enjoying this life? No, you are the one who seems to enjoy it way too much. You and your fucking husband, going around acting like the whole city belongs to you two. You think that I'm going to buy this bullshit that you actually hate being a vampire and that's why you did it to us? You did it to Porchay too, why would you if you hate it?"

"He was dying!" Kim yelled at his brother but as fast as the pent-up frustration in Kim blew up it also settled back inside of him, keeping him quiet again.

"He is dead anyway. Now he just has to be a vampire just like us. You didn't help him at all," Kinn replied, not shaken by Kim's sudden outburst.

"Stop talking about me as if I'm not here!" Chay said firmly. He squeezed Kim's hand reassuringly, and stood up, walking towards Kinn.

Kim immediately stood in front of him, holding his hand again, "baby..."

"It's okay, I'll just send him away," Chay softly said, looking straight into Kim's dark worried eyes, letting him know that it was fine, he could handle it.

Kim slightly nodded, it was such a small movement that others wouldn't even catch but Chay would, always.

He walked towards the door and unlocked them, "do you perhaps have anything else to say?"

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