Episode 5: It's Just a Mine

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Kristal: Last time on Disventure Camp,

*The scene flashes to scenes from the last episode.*

Kristal: As the tension on the island continues to rise, the campers were able to show off their skills in Disventure Camp's annual talent show. There were good acts...and mediocre acts. In the end, Aiden's talented singing ended up giving the victory to the Orange Team! And...man were they excited to hear that they won.
Kristal: Anyways, after a meaningful speech by Connor, he was promptly eliminated off the show. And now, Riya's all alone, what a shame.

*It then flashes back to the present with Kristal.*

Kristal: So what's going to happen this episode? Will it be AS dramatic as the last? Well, find out on this episode of...
Kristal: Disventure...
Kristal: Camp!


*Inside the dining hall, Aiden is eating alone. James walks up to him.*

James: Oh Aiden, it's nice to see you.

Aiden: Hey...do you need anything?

James: Nah, I was just here to thank you for yesterday.

Aiden: Huh? No, I thank you for the win yesterday!
Aiden: I-if it wasn't for you putting me up there, we wouldn't have won...

James: Oh? No problem! I knew you had the potential to rock it on stage.

Aiden: ...

James: Do you mind if I sit here? I'm pretty hungry and I decided that I should go grab breakfast.

Aiden: Of course, I have no problem with that.

*James grabs his breakfast and sits next to Aiden.*

James: ...

Aiden: ...

James: ...Is there something you need to tell me?

Aiden: N-no, not at all! I just uh...

James: If you do want to tell me, you can. I'm all ears.

Aiden: ...A-are we...fine?

James: Hm? What do you mean?

Aiden: I mean that uh...
Aiden: Look, I...want to be friends with you. I'm not mad about what happened anymore...the truth is...I was never mad, I was just...frustrated and in the moment.

Aiden: And, I'm really sorry for snapping at you...I truly didn't mean it.

James: Oh, of course, you're forgiven!
James: So, you're saying that we're friends now? That you were never mad at me for what happened with Karol?

Aiden: Yes...and...I want us to vote together.
Aiden: But if you have any plans...please let me know beforehand...I don't want history to repeat itself.

James: Of course I will.

Aiden: Are you sure?

James: I promise.
James: Now, can we take pictures together, again?

Aiden: Haha, alright...

*James and Aiden take a picture. Meanwhile, on the side, Yul, Hunter, Tess, and Ally sit together.*

Yul: So...what happened? I thought we had it last night!

Tess: I don't know, I guess they just preferred the Sharks.

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