Episode 11: A Nightmare on Disventure Street

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*The episode starts off in the dining hall with Marcus and Nina.*

Nina: Miss Daddy's Girl and her little midget friend are gone, so I'll be doing the recap!
Nina: Last time on Disventure Camp,

*The scene flashes to scenes from the last episode.*

Nina: The seven eliminated morons returned to camp for a battle with the merged dumbasses in a competition with high stakes; either someone was going to return to the game or there would be no elimination.
Nina: After a back and forth battle between the two sides, it was down to the raging Karen and the former Green Team.
Nina: The former team decided to work together and played bowling with the baldie and sent Karen into the water, securing a win for the mergers and no returner!

*The scene flashes back to the present.*

Nina: The merge restarts today, and seven will become six...or will seven become zero?

Marcus: *sigh* Nina...I really need to keep you in check.

Nina: *groans* Whatever! Who will remain? Probably no one...but stay tuned to find out in this last episode of..
Nina: Disventure...
Nina: Camp!

Marcus: Nina! What did I just say? Control yourself!

Nina: What did I do, fufu!

Marcus: Well, you-

*The screen fades to black.*


*Lake and Rosa Maria are sitting on rocks.*

Rosa Maria: You know what, Lake, ever since you've been wearing that wig, you look so much happier!

Lake: Thanks, I feel great wearing it. In fact, I was thinking of getting a tattoo when this is all over. Maybe even a piercing too.

Rosa Maria: Wow, that sounds great! What are you getting?

Lake: That's a secret, haha.

Rosa Maria: Oh but I really want to know!
Rosa Maria: But don't be too reckless, you don't want to end up like me, haha.

Lake: I know, I know! Even though you love your daughter, what you went through was rough.

– – –
Lake: It's good to know that Rosa and I finally made amends...who knows what would happen if we didn't?
Lake: But now that we're at the merge, me and Rosa are probably in danger considering how strong we are. The immunity totem I hid back then is gone and I'm sure I hid that in a safe place where no one would find it.
Lake: Now, I have to find a way to keep me and Rosa safe without the totem...I want to be in the final two with her...
– – –

Rosa Maria: Anyways, did you think about joining our alliance?

Lake: Ah, about that...can I be honest with you?

Rosa Maria: Of course! What is it?

Lake: I'm a bit skeptical of one of the boys...

Rosa Maria: Let me guess, is it Yul? I get it, he's mean...but I'm sure he has-

Lake: No, no, it's not Yul...I think it's James.

Rosa Maria: Hm? What do you mean?

Lake: I-I don't know how to explain this but...I feel like he's scheming something behind our backs...

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