part 2 <3

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i woke up at 6:15 and got ready for the day, i went to the kitchen and made pancakes, i decided to make some for jack too. i made my breakfast and ate it. i realised it was like 6:30 and jack still hadn't waken up so i decided to wake him up, i knocked on his door and when i got no response i went in, i went in and opened the curtains to let light in his room since it was so dark

jack: ugh what the heck close the curtains
he said groaning and squinting his eyes

y/n: jack it's 6:30 you need to wake up, school starts at 7

jack: 5 more minutes, cutie
he said still groaning and putting his blanket over him to prevent the light

y/n: fine
the only reason i'm letting him sleep is because the "cutie" melted my heart and i can't say no to that, i went out of his room and went in again after 5 minutes, he was shirtless.

y/n: oh shit i'm so sorry
i said closing my eyes

jack: close the door y/n

i closed the door with me still in the room

jack: y/n with you on the other side of it
he laughed

y/n: oh i'm sorry
i opened the door and went outside

jeez. that was a weird interaction, i went and sat down on the couch waiting for jack to come out, and after like 2 minutes, he did.

y/n: hi goodmorning

jack: goodmorning , cutie

can he stop calling me that like it legit melts my heart idk how to react when he calls me cute like do i say it back do i stay quiet do i say ok do i say thank you ?!?

y/n: i made pancakes their on the table

jack: for me?
he said giving me puppy eyes


y/n: yes, don't be cute about it

jack: i'm cute about everything
he said smiling and sitting down to eat the pancakes

this conversation reminded me of the one we had last night. we literally just met and i already feel so comfortable with him, he's like one of those people that feel like home.

y/n: okay well i'm gonna go to class

jack: aw man
he said pouting

y/n: yes well bye
i smiled

jack: can i see your schedule?

y/n: oh sure
i took out my phone and showed up my schedule when suddenly i heard a knock

y/n: huh, you expecting anyone this early?

jack: nah

y/n: let me see
i went and opened the door, it was just mason and jenna

y/n: hey guys

jenna: hi
mason: hi

jenna: wheres your boyfriend?

y/n: i don't have o-

jenna: oh there he is, hi jack!

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