part 4<3

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i woke up and checked the time, it was fucking 12pm. I MISSED SCHOOL? NO ONE WOKE ME UP. jenna wasn't in my room and i went outside my room and no one was there. what type of fuckery is this. i instantly went to my room picked up my phone and rang up jenna

jenna: hey
she said in the most calm tone

i yelled at her

jenna: um chill, we're in school, why


jenna: girl i tried, jack and mason did too

y/n: HUH

jenna: u wouldn't wake up so we just left
she giggled

jenna: wanna talk to jack?

y/n: no jenna i wanna talk to you. HELLO JEN-
i was cut off by jack on the phone

jack: hii y/n goodmorningg
he said, i can't even be mad at him bec he said it in the cutest tone ever

y/n: hi jack goodmorning can you give the phone to jenna

jack: that's rude

y/n: sorry jack, you know what just leave it, i'm gonna go, okay?

jack: oh ok i miss u by the way
he said and i heard him chuckle

y/n: i miss you too jack, bye
i giggled

jack: bye
he hung up

there was no point in going to school because there was just 1 hour left, i freshened up and changed my clothes and ate some toast, it was 12:30. there was still 30 minutes left so i decided to clean the dorm a little. I already cleaned my room so i went ahead and went to jacks room. boy that room was filthy. after seeing that i just gave up and sat on the couch again. for the next 20 minutes or so i was just on my phone when i heard a knock, i opened the door and it was jack.

y/n: heyyy betrayer
i gave him a sarcastic smile

jack: how did i betray you y/n
he chuckled

y/n: you left without me
i replied

jack: ok i'm sorry
he said opening his arms to hug me but i backed away

jack: mean

y/n: i don't hug betrayers

jack: i'm sorry it won't happen again
he said still have his arms open, i decided to just hug him i guess

jack: so? all is forgiven?

y/n: yes

jack: great, you wanna go out for lunch?

y/n: are you asking me out on a date
i said jokingly but bro started sweating and got hella nervous

jack: uh

y/n: jack, i'm joking, and yeah sure let's go for lunch

jack: oh okay great, let me just go shower and then we'll go, okay?
he smiled

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