//ch 4

527 3 14

//jonny's pov

"i like you too thom." i whispered back, my face flushing.

i think thom has had enough to drink because he was slipping away into sleep.

i moved him off my lap and sat him up, facing him almost perfectly. with a sudden rush of confidence, i put my lips right on his ear.

"thom?" i whisper.

i felt him shiver: his shoulders curled up and his head rolled back, probably because every time i exhale, he'll be able to feel it run down his spine.

"yeah?" he whispered back, shaking himself for whatever reason.

i don't know what i was thinking, but i grabbed his face and press my lips on to his. i hear a muffled protest for a moment, but it turns into a soft moan. thom tastes so good... i can taste cigarettes and the large amount of vodka he drank. his lips were insanely soft, and he was a great kisser. i think i could do this all day, and i don't know if i could ever get bored of it. we continue making out, and i feel thom's tongue slide into my mouth. it makes me feel like he lifted my soul out of body, and we became one. we're in our own world, together. after what felt like a million years, which still wasn't long enough in my opinion, we had to break away to catch our breath. i realized that thom had a boner, and so did i. i felt thom reach for my boxers and i knew exactly what was about to happen.

"is this okay jonjon?" thom breathed out

"fuck! yes thom! please just hurry up with it!" i blurted back, whisper-screaming again. i hope i don't sound super needy, but maybe he won't mind since it was his idea to grab me.

he pulled down my boxers and began kissing around my hipbones and thighs. i feel absoloutley mental, as if i thought i was going to die. as he finally made it to my cock, he kissed the tip and then began to suck. i had to bite my hand to prevent myself from making any obscene noises. thom looking up at me, with my cock in his mouth, was the most beautiful sight i could ever see. i grabbed his hair with my free hand and kept him in place, pressing him further onto me. i could tell he had experience with giving head. i don't want to think about who he's been with previously... i can't ruin this moment.

"fuck thom... i-i i think im close..." i mumbled out

at this, thom started picking up the pace. my whole body convulsed, and i released into his mouth.

"god fucking dammit jonjon!" he swallowed and licked the excess saliva off his lips. "that was great! you're so beautiful- i'm in love with you!" thom exclaimed.

i grabbed his hand and kissed it softly, not having the strength to pull myself up yet. "i love you too thom."

we began making out again and i knew i needed to take care of his hard-on as well. as i slid my tongue into his mouth, i pulled down his boxers as well. i grabbed his dick and slid my thumb around the tip. i felt thom moan in my mouth, and pre-cum was already dripping down his cock. i broke the kiss to spit in my hand and kiss down his jawline and neck. i began to jerk him off and kiss down his chest and stomach. thom was trying his hardest not to moan, he had a tshirt in his mouth to muffle any sound that may come out. i could tell he was close, so i slowed down.

"fuck jonny! why'd you slow down, i was close??" he spit out the shirt and breathlessly spoke

"that was the point, dumbass."

without warning, i started jerking his cock faster and he moaned the loudest moan i've ever heard exit a human.

"jesus thom! you're going to wake me mum!" i cried out

"s-s-ah-sorry" he whimpered

thom finally released into my hand and practically screamed while doing so. i licked up the rest and kissed him softly on the lips.

"i really do love you thom. that was truly amazing" i said, feeling extremely tired.

"i love you too jonjon, and i think i have for a while now."

before i could say anything else, thom started snoring quietly. i took him in my arms and snuggled up to him and felt right asleep. sure, school is in a few hours, but this was definitely worth it. 

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