Knew Day

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3 person POV

TestTube wakes up tried, upset

Looking at the time it's 4:00 way to early
She gets off her bed grabbing her glasses and putting them on. Leaving the room.. "Oh hey TestTube" Paper says waving good morning to her "Oh Hi" She says "What Are you doing up?" Paper ask "I'm just trying to change my sleep schedule" She answers "Why so?" Paper ask, grabbing a cup of coffee "We gotta get money to fix up painting room remember?" She says "Oh Right How did even get that bad?" Paper ask, Oj comes over to Paper give them a kiss on the head before get a coffee for themselves "It's a long story. Lightbulb would tell you about it" TestTube telling Paper "All right then. Well see you later" Paper says before leaving the kitchen, Oj shortly leaves. TestTube Grabs her cup filling it up with water "Lightbulb?" TestTube asks, noticing lightbulb "Oh Hi Test Tube" lightbulb says before all most falling "Lightbulb what are you doing up at this time??" TestTube asks "I'm making Painty their morning coffee! Just the way they like it!!" She says picking herself up and taking out Paintbrush cup before heading to the coffee maker "That's sweet of you" TestTube tells lightbulb. lightbulb smiles before heading back upstairs carful. TestTube walked around the hotel passing by Cheesy and Trophy who were talking and they walked pass by Paintbrush and Lightbulb "Oh hey" Paintbrush says "Oh! good morning" Test Tube says "Were y'all going?" TestTube ask "We are off to go work in the coffee store!" Lightbulb says "Yeah. Lightbulb make sure not to cause any trouble" Paintbrush spoke "Yes Painty It was a one time thing" Lightbulb says looking away in anger "Oh good luck then!" Test Tube Tells the both of them waving good bye as they leave. TestTube goes over to Fan room "Good Morning Fan!" TestTube says watching as Fan a mediately wakes up "Oh Hey TestTube!" He says in a clam manner "So what's the plan for today?" He asks "Nothing much" She tells him, Fan gets upset "We can't do anything lately all because of the incident" Fan says "I mean we did do some damage to the Painting Room" She says "Yeah but it wasn't really our fault" He spoke "Actually it was due to us, Paintbrush, Lightbulb, You, and me." TestTube tells Fan "Yeah but still" Fan says "It's gonna be okay Fan Calm down everything is gonna be all right" TestTube says, while holding Fan hands looking him in his eyes. They smile

Time Skip

TestTube and Fan was watching Tv when Paintbrush and Lightbulb came back they looked tried, Lightbulb was leaning on Paintbrush "Gosh what happened to you guys?" Fan asks "Nothing I'm fine it's lightbulb who's tried" Paintbrush says as they pick up lightbulb "What happened Lightbulb?" TestTube asks "Yeah turns out the place hasn't paid their power bill, I think you can tell what happened next.." Lightbulb says before falling a sleep. "Yeah.. if they didn't pay for that. I'm not sure we are gonna get paid a lot" Paintbrush says "Well goodnight then" Fan says waving. "I guess we should go to sleep then" Fan says "Yeah just give me a second" TestTube says. Fan goes to their room..

TestTube POV

I don't wanna work there... not with Cobs.. Maybe I should.. ask... No... Maybe...

(568 words... lol.. Thanks for reading! Like I never say if you don't like your boss go ask Mephone4 about it)

TestTube Breaking Point (Inanimate insanity) AuWhere stories live. Discover now