| First sight |

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Aonung pov:

"Excuse me" I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around to look at who had spoken to me, my eyes immediately widened. Damm he's beautiful I thought to myself. "What" I said, regretting the harsh tone of my voice. "You're needed in the office" the beautiful boy replied handing me a paper. I stared at his reached out hand, snatching the paper and looking back at him. I took a moment to stare at his beautiful face, shoulder length raven hair braided in tiny cornrows. "Why am I needed in the office?" I asked him. "Maybe if you open the paper you'll know" he replied back. Okay sassy "but um I don't really know I'm just an office aid" he said, probably feeling bad for how he answered the first time. "Do I have to go there now?" Obviously but I wanted to talk to him more...I loved the way he spoke so I did everything I could to keep him talking. "Yeah" he simply replied turning his back. "Uh so your heading to the office right now?" I asked, making him stop midway. "Yeah". Again with one word replies. "Can i walk with you? I kinda don't know where the office is at". He looked at me in disbelief finally speaking. "You don't know where the office is!?" I knew, I've been there multiple times this school year but I wanted to keep him around.

"Yeah...is that weird?"
"I mean kinda??.....actually no it's not. Yeah I can walk you" he said giving me a smile. Damm even his  smile is beautiful I kept thinking to myself. "So what does an office aid do?" I asked him trying to form small talk. "I basically just help around in the office, I do small errands for them" he said. To be honest I wasn't paying attention to any words coming out of his mouth. Yes his voice was beautiful but I was too busy staring at his face which I'm sure was painfully obvious.

We arrived at the office and I was told to go see the principal in the conference room. I had an idea of why I was called there and my heart was pounding like crazy. Not that I usually cared but my parents had given me a warning about being called to the office and I had given them my promise to not cause trouble. I walked in and saw rotxo with some guy he's been hanging around with lately. I knew why I was called here, this mother fuckers probably got caught. I had given him my cart and vape to hit since he was out of his.....of course he did! Why am I even surprised.

"Do you know why we have called you here?" The principal asked , trying to make his voice and expression intimidate me. Of course I do.  "No" I replied to the principal. "Well let's have your friends tell you". Rotxo was about to speak up when the principal caught him off and pointed to the other kid beside him, the one he's been hanging out with a lot recently. The principal told him he was the one to explain why we're here. I already knew why we were here, I just wanted to get this over with instead of wasting my time but I kept pretending not to thinking it would somehow help with my situation. "Uh me and rotxo were skipping class and decided to go vape in the bathroom and a teacher walked in on us" the boy explained. I took in his explanation, nodding my head as if I didn't already know. I've never seen him before, that was until he started hanging out with rotxo. Maybe he was new, who knows.

"Okay they were caught vaping yeah yeah but why am I being involved"? I asked all innocent. "It's your vape" said the principal. "No it isn't-" I was caught off. "They already confessed to it being yours aonung, I'll be having a meeting with your parents soon, same for the both of you" he pointed to rotxo and the other kid. I grit my teeth in anger. Really!? They told on me!? Fuck them. I looked at rotxo, seconds later looking at the other boy. "I'm lo'ak and stop starring at me like that" he said. "I don't give a shit about what your name is, why did you snitch on me" I said as the three of us walked out the door. At this point I didn't care if the principal heard me, how much more damage would it cause?

"Bro we both snitched on you why are you only ganging on me" lo'ak said. I mean he wasn't wrong but my anger was already set on one person right bow and that person was him. "Who told the principal first?" I asked him but he didn't reply. Bingo. "Aonung just drop it-" "lo'ak!?" Rotxo was caught off by the office aid kid. "Why are you in the office? Did you get in trouble?" he asked worriedly. Do they know each other?  I wondered to my self. That's when it clicked .....they kinda looked similar...siblings perhaps? "You know Dad's gonna kill you, we haven't even been at this school for a month and you're already being called to the office" the beautiful office aid boy said.  Dad? Okay so they are siblings and are new....no wonder I had never seen this beauty around. Rotxo pulled my hand for us to leave them alone but I held back, I wanted to stay. "Why do you assume I was called here for a bad reason!?" Lo'ak said to his brother. "Am I wrong!? Did you not get in trouble?" Office aid boy said. I looked at lo'ak and see his expression dropping. He looked sad. I kinda felt bad for him, his brother was 100% right. Lo'ak got called to the office because he got in trouble and I could tell he was embarrassed to admit that his brother's assumption was right. "Let's just talk about this when we get home neteyam"


"Neteyam.....Neteyam...." I kept saying his name as I layed down on my bed. His name absolutely fitted him. He looks like a neteyam...although I haven't met much neteyam's before. Fuck he was the only neteyam I've seen but I'm not complaining. He was so beautiful...angelic...how could one have such amazing looks. His voice itself could do things to me. Ew no no no...I don't have a crush on him...no way. Yes I have a crush on him. How did this happen? I literally know nothing about the dude but all I know is that  I want to get to know him better, and be his friend. "Does he hang out with people like me?" I said to myself. He seemed like a decent guy, not saying I'm not decent but he just looked like a nice and sweet guy. Maybe since he's nice he might consider being my friend. Fuck who knows but I'll try and hopefully shoot my shot because I want him so bad

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Short chapter 😭 I promise myself I would update today and I'm trying to think hard so I can make this longer but I'm so sleepy . I might redo this later to make it longer, idk but for now enjoy💕

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