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"I'm just going to throw this away for you," Jimin had snuck up behind you and taken the fresh warm cup of coffee from your icy hands, before moving quickly to the trashcan that stood beside the building you were about to walk into.

"Nonono Jiminie I just bought that it's only my second one!" You rushed over to Jimin, desperately grasping at the cup just moments before he made it to the trash can. You quickly put the cup to your lips and dumped the liquid into your mouth as you rushed into the building to get yourself away from the trash cans.

"Fine, but when you have a heart attack before your 22nd birthday fueled purely by caffeine intake and anxious tendencies, I will not resuscitate you," you smiled lightly as you turned to walk down one of the many hallways in the labyrinth of a building.

"Good. If I'm dead, let me stay that way, it's probably way less stressful. Why are you here, anyways? You don't have class for another hour," you came to a halt outside of your room, spinning on your heel to face Jimin.

"I have a study session with some kids before class because we're a week in and I've already slept through about 80% of the class," He paused, looking down at his watch before he rolled his eyes and started backing up slightly. "Which I am now late for. I'll see you later. Dinner after class? On me," Jimin held his arms out, as if offering you something you couldn't refuse.

"I'll never turn down free food, baby," He gave a thumbs up before turning fully, now sprinting down the hallway. You chuckled to yourself, shaking your head as you walked into the classroom.

"I was very impressed by this, Ms. Y/l/n. I hope everything you turn in this semester is half as good as this," You smiled and thanked her as you accepted your paper, a bright red 98 written on the top along with a smiley face. You folded the paper in half, an old habit you had from middle school math class when your highest grade was a 79, and walked up to your seat.

Namjoon noticed your folded paper and made a brash judgment call. "Looks like my quality beats your quantity," Namjoon held up his paper, showing you the red 95 written on the top. You looked at it and nodded, giving it a 'not bad' expression as you passed him and sat down a few rows behind him. He started chuckling, laying the paper down in front of him before he started pulling things out of his bag.

"Evidently not," you said, eyebrows furrowed as you looked down at your paper after you'd taken your seat. Your words grabbed Namjoon's attention, and his eyes were immediately on you. You flipped the paper around and watched as his face fell reading the higher score you had acquired. "Bet it was hard to find enough time for your own paper, seeing as you had to help the rest of the class with theirs," You turned the paper back around, looking at it for a moment before laying it down and looking back at Namjoon. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll figure out how to better manage your time for the next assignment."

Namjoon clenched his jaw, trying his best not to let his anger show on his face before he turned back around to face the front of the class.


"Hey, Jimin!" Namjoon called out as he raced up to meet his friend who was walking from one class to the next. He turned slightly, furrowed eyebrows quickly relaxing when he saw it was only Namjoon. He caught up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder as they both started walking again. "What's up, man? What class are you headed to?"

"I'm going home actually. Well, Y/n's, but I just got done with my classes for the day. Why, what's up with you?" Jimin was slightly confused, the boys in his frat not usually caring too much about each other's studies.

"Nothing, I was just heading to my human rights class when I saw you walking thought I'd say what's up. You always go to Y/n's after class? You're not usually at the house until late," Jimin nodded slightly.

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