Episode 5: Masamune's Cousin

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". . . You're a woman, aren't you?"

His unexpected question sends s shockwave through me that nails me to the floor.

His eyes are questioning, yet calm.

"Ah. . .aha. . .ha. . .good one, Lord Kojuro. . ."

Deciding my best course of action is to pretend as if it is a joke, I laugh and hope I'm right.

"Yeah, I thought so"

(Huh. . . ?)

His quick reaction leaves me even more confused. I wind my hair around my finger absently.

 I wind my hair around my finger absently

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"I was actually kidding. . .but they're not wrong when they say you have a comely face"

". . ."

"The maids have been enjoying the fact that Lord Masamune's page looks so much like a woman. You cannot do much for your looks in this regard. . .but do at least try to keep from acting like a woman as well"

"I'm sorry. . ."

Defeated, I can only apologize.

(But. . .considering that he is asking me in this way. . .means he still thinks I'm a boy, if a girly one, right?)

Strangely, that thought does bring me a small sense of relief.

"Also, I have come to tell you we will be taking out the falcons for a three-day hunt starting tomorrow"


"Good. See that you are well-prepared to accompany us. . .and I apologize for keeping you so late"

Lord Kojuro leaves the room without another word.

The moment I am sure I am alone, my knees fall out from under me, and I collapse of the floor.

(I totally thought he found me out! I have to be more careful. . .I can't slip up now. . .or my cover's as good as blown. . . !)


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