Chapter 1: Introductions

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'Come on Abel, you can withstand another week, you can do it' thought a man whilst walking under a clear night in what seemed to be the suburbs of a small city, reaching a point without any houses nearby that connected with a forest near a mountain, Abel looked around him, noticing that he was standing over what seemed to be a small clearing before entering the forest, he sat down on the ground thinking 'I believe that inside that forest is where the cartel dumps bodies, whatever, worse things happen around here anyways'.

After he sat down he put a hand on one of the pockets of his jacket and pulled out a pack of cigarrettes and a lighter, looking at them in deep thought.

--"I mean one has to die of SOMETHING" said Abel to himself before lighting a cigarrette and starting to smoke whilst looking at the sky, a clear but cold night of December, one night of too many he had seem before, 'At least it finally makes a bit of cold' he thinks whilst putting down the hood of the jacket, taking puffs of the cigarrette whilst looking at his phone and taking a picture of the sky and another of his surroundings, when he checked the picture he notices something weird with the one of his surroundings 'What in the ever loving fuck is that red glow?'.

After noticing the red glow in the picture he looks at where he took that picture and notices that, in fact, there is a red glow that is growing in intensity every second with what seems to be some booming footsteps, making him stand up and put a hand to the respective pocket in his jacket, then, after some more seconds, a person comes out running from the forest dressed in what seemed to be a white gown that had tears all over it, Abel, against his better judgement decided to stay and the person ran into him, making him and the stranger fall into the ground.

--"What the fuck is happe...?" Abel started to ask to the stranger until he noticed how the stranger looked, 'Looks about my age, white long hair and paper white skin, what the fuck is she? A Jeff the killer OC?, Whatever' He offers her a hand.

--"Lady, are you ok?" Asked Abel unsure about her status and when she opened his eyes Abel had several questions on his mind 'Shining red eyes?' was the most present at the moment.

--"Please help me, i have not seen anyone in hours and something is trying to kill me!" Responded the woman in a pleading but desperate tone, a pair of seconds after a goat-like humanoid being steps out of the forest, shining red eyes and 2 really big horns decorating its head, after Abel sees it the beast stares back, looking at both of them.

--"Fine, since it saw me too..." responded Abel to her pleas for help, sounding calm and confident but on the inside he was throwing all of the insults he knew around inside his head, when it seemed as if the beast was going to attack them Abel pulled out a handgun from his jacket and shot the beast.

--'One, Two, Three' Abel counted the shots on his mind 'Four, Five, Six' all of the bullets hitting the beast, making it take a step back with every bullet 'Seven, Eight and out' he finished counting and reloaded the weapon as quickly as he could, letting the magazine fall into the ground and putting another one inside and releasing the lock on the slide, unloading the other magazine into the beast before it could move again and, yet again, reloaded and shot another entire magazine against the beast that fell into the ground, 22 bullets inside its body.

--"Is it dead?" Asked the woman behind him.

--"I suppose so, nothing survives 22 gunshots, nothing normal but that thing does not look normal" responded Abel stepping back to be beside her.

--"I... I hope so, thank you, umm" responded the woman, the last umm sounding more like a question than a normal expression.

--"Abel, my name is Abel, what's yours?" Responded Abel

--"I umm... Don't have one..." Responded the woman, feeling ashamed

--"Mae, can i call you that?" responded Abel after a few moments but before she can answer the beast starts to stand up "And i am out of bullets" said Abel in a grimace.

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