next os base

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Hi guys.....

I know I am writing after a long time and I have mentioned already that I will continue updating my book after June because of my entrance exam

but one thought has crossed into my mind and I want to write on it so this is a little bit base of my next OS because I think everyone has their own point of view on ishqbaaz serial its characters and the situations so the next OS will be based on something kind of like this of point of view

Im wanted to tell you the base of point of view on which the next OS would I be writing because it can be your point of view can be different from my point of view and its completely alright

first thing is that in every TV serial it has shown that the male character is always the Rude spoil brat where as the female character is always poor, independent ,strong but I don't know after falling in love or after getting married the spirit of their Independence is just finished I think they don't show it now the girl is more independent or not I think according to me they have been showing and the character development of male character has been from Rude to soft is loved by everyone but I think sometimes the character development of female it got reduced like in starting the female has gone through a lot of situations and the male character has done a lot of worst things to her but she was still strong but after marriage she cant even able to take own stand I feel the Independent spirit the strongness is reduce in the female character development after falling in love or marriage I don't know

and other than that the second thing I want to say this that we all sympathized with Anika no doubt at some point we all felt bad for Anika for the way Shivay was treating ,hurting her but honestly I am not sympathize to Shivay but sometimes I feel like he never get only a responsibility

He always got a responsibility with a choice and the choice was always between Anika or responsibility

for example when Shiva and Tia were going to marry then Mrs Kapoor was blackmailing Shivay on oms truth here he got a choice of responsibility as a elder brother or either to choose his growing feelings for Anika

Daksh re entry there was also a choice of elder brother of Priyanka or either the husband of Anika

Kalyani Mill track when Tanya entered there was also a choice between responsibility toward his elders or between his wife

Idk he choosed to abandon anika everytime due to dilemma or because of anything else

But its like a very classic choice ques which no one has ever given an ans correctly ...that if your mother or wife are drowning in river at same time whom you would save first....because no matter whom you choose if you choose mother you are going to criticised and ques on your love for your wife and if you choose your wife you are going to be criticised and ques on your love for your mother

It doesnt mean that he only saves that person Instead he can only save that one It also doesnt mean he dont love the other person

honestly I think ishqbaaz was not the story of more of their love story it was rather the story of them being Mahan we always say that Anika was Mahan that always forgive everyone and she is so kind and between that we  never thought from the point of view of Shivay  is like he was also  Mahan like he sacrificed everything for his family and to be very honest you always thought that shivaay has always chosen his family over Anika and felt bad for Anika but I think shivay  was the one who suffer the most in that choice because the delemma of making a choice is something he has to lose one thing  no matter whatever choice he  make so I kind of think that we never acknowledge  the kindness of shivaay and his dellimma on making a  choice

for example we all felt  the dellema   of Anika when she was making a choice either to stay by Shivay  and hurt him from his  truth or either leaving him and hurting him

maybe because in serial it was shown the clear dilemma of her but in Shivays case  his delema of making a choice has never been so in the light I think  he  has been always always shown as  someone who do not cherish the value of his wife but if I actually think the choice he was given I think he was  more pathetic character and that rather than Anika because every time it was him who has to make a choice and suffer or face the all of the pros  and cons every choice

I personally think because I am not defending shivays was actions for anything because I feel the way he was handling things was the problem and most important thing was he always try to handle the things by himself and the trying to handle everything by himself is I think we all do like we never want our love ones or our family would drag into the situation or any kind of problems

if logically we think more deeply about it I think that Anika would have also choosen family over her like yes the way shivay handled the situation was a little too Extreme he could handle it more better but at some point I think that the way anika is or anikas character has been written she would also not choose herself over the family because I think she to had also not chosen the love above people's lives or putting danger on her own family members
And if  she have to sacrifice other peoples lives and put her  families in danger just for our love
Then she would be like   rather not have it

But so i kind off was ok of he not sharing emotions his feelings because he lived in thT kind of environment where no one tried to even understand his inner turmoils so he cant in s blink can open his inner feelings and problems to anika but i felt that the way he tried to handle things was something too extreme level it but the point of view and intention was not wrong because I think if Anika was at shivayas place she would have chosen the same but Anika could have handled it a lot of better from shivay those situations because she would have think about the pro s and cons of everythung before taking any steps

Where as Shivay was someone who believe in the present and i never felt that he think of the pros and cons of his choice ever he always did things what he felt right at that moment but whereas anika was someone who thinks the every pro s and con of every step she would take

For eg . she knew that shivay would be hurt heartbroken after she leave him when she would leave him thtas why she asked omru to take carr of him in absence of her but yes she didn't expected that he would break too much that he would completely change his personality so I think she know that

many of you will not agree with this because maybe everyones pov and seeing things is very different from everyone and on the characters , scenario they have their own point of view but I am just blabbering these all things because my next OS will be based on something like this like taking these thoughts into mind I am going to write the next OS so I just wanted to give you a little base of it as it is a one shot it is not a long story that I could explain each and everything what is happening in the story so I decided to give just a base of next os to you

and if you are excited then please vote and comment and let me know should i write or not on it

I would try to update the as soon as possible

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