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This world is made out of two things in one. Matter and existence for itself. There are two forces that can be compared to Gods, forming a ditheism. These Gods are Flux and fortune. These are the things that make up our reality and everyday experience. They hide under a veil, and people rarely take them into account.

Nothing besides pure existence and matter is self existent. Our minds are constantly discriminating between what is what with our words. This discrimination separates tall and short, black and white, and pleasure and pain. We do this with ideas and we also do this with objects. There isn't really a difference between them it only exists in our inner reality. In outer reality, there is only existence and matter. Existence is the organ while the matter is the anatomical matrix of said organ. We attribute qualities to objects which are simply blank slates. These blank slates are filled like a canvas by our own minds. This pure existence is objectively made out of matter. Even atoms and energy aren't self existent. The atoms are only atoms because energy exists. Energy is only energy because atoms exist. Therefore there is simply only matter with no divide. If we got rid of discrimination within all things we would not be able to navigate the world. So to see everything as empty all of the time is nearly impossible. Albeit it must be known to reach reality in totality. To end confusion and fulfill the will to truth it must be known.

Concerning the two Gods of this world Flux and Fortune. They are always controlling our lives. Fortune can give us the goods of the world or can bestow great evils upon us. It can make a man common or uncommon, it can make them weak or strong. Flux is the constant changing of the world. Nothing stays the same, the only thing that is permanent is change. A person can learn to see the Flux when he forsakes the future and the past. Mankind is a joyful creature and has the propensity to go to places to find joy. He desires pleasure and runs away from pain. When a man is in pain he looks forward to the future. When a man is experiencing pleasure he remains in the present. When a man is reminiscing on pleasant memories he remains in the past. When a man regrets his current situation he looks to the past to see what he has done wrong to not do it again. To control the desire for pleasure and pain, a man must forsake or accept.

When looking at the past he must forsake past pleasant goods. When a man is looking to the past he must accept past evils and accept the consequences that reside in the present moment. When a man thinks about future pleasures he must forsake them. When a man is experiencing pain in the present he must accept it. Once he is able to live in the present he can see the Flux that pervades all things. He can see that everything is changing within his mind's eye. People fluctuate between good and evil which are different parts of their nature. When a man thinks evil thoughts he is fluctuating into evil. Everyone is not wholly good or wholly evil. When a man sits in his goodness his good traits shine, altruism, kindness, and gentleness. When a man fluctuates to evil the antithesis is to be revealed from his actions. He is never truly always on one side or the other, he just expresses certain sides in certain situations when it is appropriate.

For a man to accept Fortune man must realize that there are things that he can simply not control. He must desire only things that he can grasp with his palms. Most of all he must have pleasures that are internal so that he may be free from Fortune's grasp. He must attain the wealth of nature, fortification of mind, terribleness, and self-sufficiency.

I would like to return to the God Fortune to explain the coming phenomena. There are men that He makes common and men that He makes uncommon. The uncommon man is not self existent, he only exists because the common man exists. The common man exists for the sake of the uncommon man, not vice versa. Common men merely want to copulate, live by the status quo, and become clones of their fellow neighbors. There isn't much the common man can do besides this. He is simply fit for survival but the uncommon man is fit for more. The uncommon man is of a higher quantum of power, his will to power makes him dissatisfied. He is not content with life, which comes from the will to live, he is only content with thriving, which comes from the will to power. This thriving if taken to an extreme, if used to go above the standards of the common man, creates a higher life essence.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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