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Iruma's POV

"Raah!" My clock yelled loudly

"Good morning to you too" I replied. somehow I have got so in custom to hearing my demon clock shrieking across my room and possibly the whole mansion that I think of it as a daily basis to say good morning back. After greeting my clock I rubbed my eyes and got out of my bed with excitment and no it's not because of my yellow, demon clock making a deathening sound in the morning, it is because it is the best day of the school week, Friday!

Excited and ready to start my day at babylis I made my bed and dressed myself as fast as possible. After that I went to the living room where Opera was sitting drinking some hell gray tea while waiting for grandpa.

"Goodmorning Sir, Your breakfast is on the dinning table."

"Thank you a lot Opera!" I replied in a joyful tone.

I ate all my food in a instant and when I looked outside I saw both Azz and Clara outside waiting for me.

"Bye grandpa, bye Opera!" I quickly said while running to my friends

"Have a safe and lovely day at school my darling grandson!"

"Have a good day at school sir."

Some of you might be wondering to what is happening. Long story short Iruma's scumbag parents sold him off to a demon who despretely wanted a grandson. The only problem is Iruma is human and since humans are considered a delicacy to demons Iruma has to make sure no one finds out no matter what... Even if it means sacrificing his own blood to another since it can heal any creature in the netherworld. So that's the explination, enjoy the rest!

"Iruma-sama!!" Asmodeus said with joy after seeing me

"Iruma-chi!!" Clara yelled sounding like she was more delighted than Asmodeus even though they both knew, that was nearly impossible.

"Good morning Iruma-sama, I was early so I made you a new study sechule, a healthy eating routine plus a folder to keep in your notes"

"Thank you a lot, these will definitely be in use" I replied with a small smile

And for the rest of the trip to school we were talking about what might happen today or what situations they might get into in the future such as future school events.

{Time skip to them entering school because I am lazy}

"Oh.. it looks as if we are early" Asmodeus pointed out, infact they were REALLY early, around an hour early

I normally do this every day because I have the fear of being late and kalego getting mad at me but the thing is I was never an hour early, I'm at most 10 minutes early.

"Conor and Murf are bored and want to go kabooie!" Clara exclaimed while her slippers were going everywhere at, what looked like 3486975 miles per hour...

"Why don't we buy something from the school store" I suggested obvisouly having my mind on what food I could buy, what? Food is nice.

"Of course and if you can't choose what food to buy, I'll choose for you" Asmodeus said with joy in his voice "But of course if you don't like something we can share!" He added "In-fact you can just sit down since I already know your favourite dish is omlettes"

Wait...HOW DID HE KNOW, you know what nevermind he has a literal display of my pictures in his room so I'm not surprised.

"Oh thank you!!" I replied, while giving a smile and then sat down at a random table

My human darling~ an Iruazz storyWhere stories live. Discover now