1. Not too cheesy, Not too leafy

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There were many timelines, many observed and many strange. But this was not one of them, well unless the observer was baffled by the existence of gay men.

In this timeline the Ginyu force was never deployed by Frieza, mainly since the emperor died of ligma after eating a questionable crab. This lead to the force present on Namek being steam rolled and the original plan of the Z-fighters clear. It was embarrassing for King Cold that his youngest son died of disease and so Cold elected to sweep it under the rug and split Frieza's force between himself and Cooler. 

Our story commences after a tamer cell saga, Cooler is currently organising his mines and Salza has cashed in his vacation days and is returning to his home on Brench.


It was a walk out the space port and into the capital city of Motza, Salza was in his casual clothes before he joined Cooler. Prior to his employment Salza was a film maker and quite a respectable one, he even based some of his moves off of his film choreography. It was due to this job that he was in good terms of his finances and was able to afford a good home in the rural areas, he was fond of his cottage in the soft red plains. Jeice took a cab there, happy to settle back into civilian life. The reason he ended up with Cooler was that the elder son of Cold both admired his skill in the military and his filmography, Salza also succeeded in the lower ranks in training and missions so Cooler could make the choice without looking biased.

Cooler did not want to give Frieza teasing ammo.


Meanwhile a good distance away from Salza was a retired man in his apartment, Jeice. After Frieza died the Ginyu force dismantled, all of them refusing to serve Cold or Cooler and so the 5 went into early retirement from the military. Ginyu went into stock trading, Recoome went along with his dreams of ballet, Burter took up work as a builder and progress on his world has never been better. Guldo got arrested for being a peeping tom and he now hides from the police in a dog costume. Jeice meanwhile had become a baseball star for Brench, living his dream without having to deal with spiky simians. This stardom lead to Jeice's admiration in the military become sport stardom. 

It was in collaboration with his mother Creme that he was able to sell her ramen even better. To put it simply, Jeice was living a good life now.

Jeice was currently in his apartment, hanging his baseball cap on his coat stand and he sat on his sofa, one from a local furniture store his old comrade Bonyu founded.

It was Brenchian winter so baseball games were sparse currently and Jeice was currently sipping on some jample juice and checking the TV.

And outside the city and in the country side there was Salza making himself a cup of team, he looked to a familly photo. Salza had become closer to Cooler than Frieza's nightmares could've imagined, and so while Cooler was out conquering the galaxy Salza's sister was trusted with Cooler's only son. Salza thought little Glazier could use a visit.

And somehow this thoughtlette of pleasantry to his boss' child would lead to Salza encountering more than familial love.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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