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A burgundy-haired male was found walking through the vacant halls with his arms supporting his head.

His classmates remaining inside their assigned classrooms and probably cursing him out right now as he freely roamed the halls with a lot of free time on his hands. 

He was temporarily excused from the rest of his classes for a month, as he had just returned from competing across the country to save the school's sinking reputation and required a good rest.

And thank god for that; at least he'd still have enough time to relax just before the school decided to sign him up for another international competition without his knowledge.

Heizou would normally use his remaining time to go for a walk or nap under his favorite tree, but something has been bothering him since he stepped onto the school grounds, like something was about to occur in his presence. 

Now, Heizou's instincts were no joke and not meant to be taken lightly; otherwise, consequences would have to be dealt with later on, and he wasn't planning on goofing off just yet until Heizou ensured that whatever was bothering him would be fully and thoroughly taken care of.

But as of now, he was just not sure exactly what would occur.

Dang it, now all this overthinking about his gut instincts just increased his boredom even further and he might as well die out of boredom at this rate if he couldn't find any fun activity to do to pass some time.

His burgundy locks bounced ever so lightly along with his dark highlight as his shoes continued creating sounds with each step he took. 

"Ah, I got nothing to do here! Shinobu and Class Pres are still in their classrooms digging their noses up to boring textbooks, the library and the cafeteria wouldn't be open until lunch either... I mean, I could always go home but eh, don't really feel like it—"

His olive green eyes darted across the empty hallways and everything his eyes could land on as Heizou uttered to no one but himself.

His pursed lips turned into a frown at the thought of going home and possibly facing his strict parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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