An End and A Beginning

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Localization: Great Tomb of Nazarick

{Hero Hero has logged out}

Momonga sighed, he was so alone, he looked around the table he was sitting at, 40 empty seats... the seats of the friends who left him.

Momonga: Let's meet again IRL... huh...

Repeating the last words Hero Hero said to him.


Momonga knocked on the big table.

Momonga: AND HOW SHOULD WE DO THAT WE BUILT THIS PLACE TOGETHER AND THEY ALL ABANDONED IT!... no, that's not fair to them, they just chose IRL and family in a virtual world.

He sighed to himself, he really missed them all, the last time he played with one of them was a year ago.

Momonga: *sigh* so this is how it's going to end... I'm here... alone...

{Veigar has logged on}

The conference room doors opened revealing Veigar entering the great room.

(Note: Veigar whenever he talks, and Y/n whenever he's thinking.)

Veigar: Hello!

Veigar sat on a red chair next to Momonga.

Momonga still in shock that his friend logged back in, at least he wouldn't be alone

Veigar: Man, sorry it took so long.

Momonga: N-No, it's okay, I've been fine, how about you?

Veigar: I am very well!

Veigar sent you an emoticon with a smiley face to Momonga.

Momonga: Glad you're okay Veigar, and so what are you going to do now, it's not long before the servers close.

Veigar: Well... my plans are to go to my stronghold the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and stay there until the server closes.

Momonga: So will you stay too?

Veigar: Of course, I am the great lord Veigar the destroyer of worlds, I have to stay in my kingdom, a lord has to die along with his kingdom!

Momonga: *giggles* you know how to veigate, you're actually quite funny sometimes.

Veigar: Thank you very much Momonga, you are also a good friend! without you I wouldn't be as strong as I am today!

Momonga: Your determination is really impressive.

Momonga and Veigar chuckled remembering the good old times they spent together.

Veigar: Hey momonga...

Momonga: Yes?

Veigar: *Raising hand* Hope to see you again momonga.

Momonga: Me too, Veigar

Veigar and momonga shook hands, and after that Veigar used Teleportation thus leaving Momonga in the room

Momonga: Looks like I won't be alone in the end.

Momonga was finally happy, after all, his best friend was with him until the end , walk to get Ainz Ooul Gown's staff.

Localization: Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Veigar teleported to Hanging Gardens of Babylon, a floating fortress that is on top of Nazarick, to avoid unwanted visits to the guild, after Veigar arrived at Hanging Gardens of Babylon, he came across his familiar or simply his pet, Catadow.

Veigar: My sweet cutie daddy, what are you doing here alone? was waiting for me here for me to come back, wasn't it?

Catadow: Meow...

Veigar picks up Catadow and takes him in his arms to his throne room, after getting there, he saw Semiramis, one of Veigar's strongest NPCs.

Veigar picks up Catadow and takes him in his arms to his throne room, after getting there, he saw Semiramis, one of Veigar's strongest NPCs

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Veigar: Semiramis... it was the first NPC I created, I'm really going to miss this place... by the way let me see how it is.

Veigar started with the information about Semiramis, but at the end it said... Beautiful, but a bitch...


After Veigar's scream of immense hatred, he changed Semiramis' final information and replaced it with , Beautiful, and a little obsessed with Veigar.

Veigar: Oh my God! What did I do! wait... if Tabula can do it I can! I am the great lord veigar!

veigar went up and sat on his great throne.

Veigar: Semiramis! call all seven shadows and the leading garden of shadows, the commander and the informant to the throne room.

Semiramis left in the throne room to call the seven shadows and some members of the garden of shadows to the throne room, after a few minutes everyone was gathered in the throne room,Semiramis, Shadow, Alpha, Eta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Beta, NU, Victoria, they were present over their lord.

Veigar: Kneel down!

Everyone knelt down to their lord, but Veigar just looked sad... unfortunately he wouldn't be playing his favorite game ever again.


Veigar: So this is the end...


Veigar: It really was a good adventure...


Veigar: I made so many friends...


Veigar: I don't regret anything about joining this guild...


Veigar: This game was worth playing... i had so much fun...


Veigar: Goodbye My friends




Veigar: Huh?!

Semiramis: My lord, are you alright?

Y/n Mind: wait, she just spoke with her lips... WAIT, WHAT!!!

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