11: The person who said "The truth will set you free" was an asshole

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I was fast asleep when then my phone started ringing, I had forgotten to disconnect it. I tried to take it but the asshole was slippery. I saw Victoria was calling me when I caught it. I decided not to take it. I wasn't in the mood. The clock said eleven o'clock, but this wasn't possible. Jerry is very strict with these things.

Then I looked at my yesterday's clothes sprawled on the floor. I got a lump in my throat. If they knew about my past it was probably that I had to go.

Being a straight-up liar hasn't told one real thing about his life. No exactly helps my case. The lump in my throat felt deeper each second.

I downed the stairs, and my cousins were in the living room that we only use when visitors come. All stopped looking at their phones and looked at me. Only Mary said good morning.

Elena and Tomas avoided my look. I went to the kitchen, when I was in the corridor, I heard sobs.

"I don't know, is too much," my aunt said sobbing.

"Luisa, we find a solution. Maybe we can ..." Jerry noticed I was at the kitchen door. "Good morning Dylan! You can wait in the living with your cousins. We'll talk later," he said with a fake smile like he wanted to say, 'Don't worry, everything will be alright', but I knew nothing was alright; nothing.

I obeyed it. I was walking to the living room while the image of my aunt crying and trying to hide behind Jerry was repeating in my mind. I sat down on the sofa.

Elena and Tomas avoided looking at me; however, Mary was smiling at me a lot. No one said anything. The silence was killing me.

"Ahh, I thought I had lost my phone." I know it was a shitty topic, but I didn't have any better. Besides, I thought the phone was in the lake sleeping with the fish until that morning.

"William Adams found it on a table at the party. He gave me it, and Mom left it at your side at night. She couldn't sleep and was with you almost all night." Elena spoke fast and cold. She didn't even raise her head.

The silence came back to fill the room. However, Mary wasn't in the same mood as the others. She was staring at me non-stop. She came to my side and sat down with a little jump.

"Do you have superpowers?" she said nervously.

"I have it," she started to jump around. She put her face very close to me.

"What do you do?"

"I can absorb, accumulate, and transform almost any type of energy and then liberate it in different ways. Do you understand?"

She had a big smile on her face." Not a word. I don't understand anything," she looked at me intriguingly.

"It's hard to explain. I'm like a battery but I can use a lot of types of energy like warmth, electricity, or radiation," she seemed like she wasn't understanding anything. " I don't know how to explain it better. Any help?" I asked my cousins.

"I don't understand anything either," Tomas said without looking up from the mobile "Can you fly? Do you have super-strong or super-speed? Do you shoot electric beams through the eyes?"

"Almost, yes, and yes, and I can generate electricity but only a few inches around my body, no beams."

Tomas looked at me with interest. "Can you fly?"

"More like float. Every time I tried to fly, I crashed and burned. I need a lot of energy and control over the strength necessary to avoid gravity, for this, I only use to jump high and then fall slowly controlling the direction. It's easier than flying."

He looked at me wide-eyed "Can I see it?"

"After, if we have time," as long as we didn't have to go just before our talking.

"Thanks, bro. By the way, were your powers by mother..."

"It's for my paternal side, sorry," Tomas was disillusioned by my words. 

"I wanna fly."

"So easy? He hasn't even apologized. He has been lying to us for almost a year, but a couple of magic tricks and all forgotten, right?" Elena said with frustration.

Elena wasn't holding back her emotions. She was angry and hurt. She had always been respectful of my past and never tried to dig up any dirt on me. However, even she has a limit.

"Elena, I don't want to hurt anyone. I thought I would make things less complicated for everyone if I didn't say anything."

"More simple for everyone or more simple for you?"

"I dunno," I admitted, "initially I thought it could be too much and it was better to wait. But time passed, and it was harder to tell you. I got a messy past." I looked away to the floor, incapable of saying it while we looked at each other. "I'm sorry."

I looked at Elene again. She didn't seem so angry anymore, "An apology is a good start, as long as you tell us the truth once and for all."

Her words sound to me like a guilty sentence. I didn't have an escape way. The car doors were closed.

At that moment, Jerry called me to the kitchen. I asked Tomas and Elena if they come with me. I wanted to remove the band-aid quickly. Mary wanted to come with us, but I couldn't tell everything if she was there. Besides, I was pretty sure that there were things too hard for a kid. She only reluctantly agreed when his father scolded her.

Another thing I'll have to apologize for, I thought.

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