6: Technically, I'm not eco-friendly

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I continued my walk. There is an electric tower in the middle of the forest, which I used to rechange. It was a remote place, near a back road. No one can see me there.

My powers are absorption, accumulation, and transformation of almost any type of energy; kinetic, electric, thermal, radiation... I can liberate this energy in different ways, sometimes consciously and others unconsciously. For example, if anything makes contact with me, I create an equal and opposite force to protect myself. So if someone tries to throw hands and punch me, it's gonna feel like hitting a brick wall or something. I know it's mad cool.

I have limits like a battery, although this's not a problem usually. Around each month I need a good recharge. Solar power could work, but being a nudist is gonna make me any less noticeable. The fastest way, high voltage power.

I jumped until the part of the wires. You don't expect some spectacular. I touched the sub-transmission line for one sec. With this, I had sixty-nine kilovolts extra. I let myself fall slowly, thanks to my powers it seemed that I was floating. Maybe, I was pushing my limits, but I wasn't in overload, so no worries.

I returned to my aunt's house, but it was late. If I hadn't sprinted, I wouldn't have gotten in time. I had already dealt with a ton of drama that week. Tomas was watching TV in my room when I arrive.

"Hi Tomas," he turned around and glanced at me.

He made a grin, "Give me the lowdown. How did it go?"

"I don't feel like a slumber party."

"You never feel up to anything. Please, don't make me beg." He glanced at me with puppy eyes.

"Okey, the movie was well, I didn't get a lot of. It's not my type of movie, but the main actress is great, besides the photograph was ..."

"This's bulshit," he yelled. "Did you even get to first base?"

"Yo, you're hella rude," he continued to glance at me; he was waiting. I won't be able to dodge him unless I spill the deets, "Okey, okay, we kissed in the movie."

"Really, when will you date again?"

"Nah, not happening. She's fine as hell and brilliant, but I'm not ready for a relationship. This was our first and last date. I'm going to send a text to her tomorrow."

"You're a jerk," Elena said while going up the stairs. I don't know how long she has been there. "Let's summarize, you finally date a girl who fell in love with you since you move on. You were super nice and funny. When started the movie you and she kissed. Then you went into the bath, she gets nervous and you behave like a gentleman, her words, for me this is basic decency. And now you say that she doesn't like you and that you going to send a message, a fucking message."

Ohh shit, she was right. "Shit, I don't know, when? how? We only speak a few times," I babbled.

"Dylan, she comes here constantly, she always tries to speak with you and you're on the guest list every time she makes plans."

I drop onto my bed, " I thought she was trying to be nice to the new guy. I'm focused on my own; I'm not flirting with anyone. Ahhh!" I covered my face with a cushion to silence my frustration.

"This is the other thing. You're the mysterious new student, who's mad good-looking and friendly with everyone, but like, nobody really knows your deal. You have half high school in love because you seem like the main character of a teen romance movie."

"Not, I don't. Do I?" I said looking at Tomas

"She's right. My friend Alisa asked me if I could get her a date with you; and Ava, Mia, Harper, oh and Lucas when he came out a few months ago.  But, I don't understand the problem with Victoria, you never speak about one relationship," Tomas said.

"Be quiet little brother, this's a conversation for adults. I will explain to you what is the affective responsibility another day, meanwhile, you don't approach a girl," they started to argue.

They were bothering me. I fucked up, I shouldn't have listened to Andrew. They didn't stop arguing and I couldn't hear my own thoughts.

"Shut up both of you. I must speak with Victoria the Monday and explain it to her."

"Not, you will talk with her tomorrow, with time, not in a twenty-minute break. You will have a long conversation in which you explain your feelings and apologize to be a jerk, Why? because she is my friend, and if I have to choose between you and her, I'll kill you, Dylan Torres," she gave me a really angry and intense look like she was about to wreck me.

She had a point. Not only because she'd hate me but also because Victoria deserves a sincere conversation.

"I could meet with her at a party tomorrow night," I said in a lower voice and didn't want to botter more to Elena.

"I like it. First, you break her heart, and then I treat it with alcohol. I'm in. Who throws the party?"

"Jackson Lee, in his lake house,"

"Please, nooot," she said while huffing and puffing.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"Elena is been curving him since seventh grade, even though he had a crush on her," Tomas replied.

"What do you want? He doesn't want to date me. He wanna win over me as if I'm a prize or something. It's frustrating."

"I feel you," I said accidentally, my bad. They both gave me a look like they were hella interested. "I don't say anything, it's private."

"C'mon, mam, we wanna know. You never talk with us about anything of your past," Tomas insisted.

"This's not the issue," Elena said taking pity on me, "I go. I will sacrifice myself for Victoria, Tomas you should come,"

"Not, thank you. I have a D&D game at Peter's. Besides, I don't feel like being your distraction for Jackson."

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