Brother and Sister

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A lone, hooded figure stood atop the building, vigilant eyes scanning the city below them in search of something in the dead of the night as their dark cloak snapped around their form in the whipping winter wind. The moon shone over them, full and bright like a giant, precious pearl nestled in the embrace of the dark clouds.

Suddenly, a shadow ran past them as fast as a flying arrow. As their eyes caught its sight, the person quickly followed, leaping from rooftop to rooftop with such blinding speed that human could hardly be capable of. The chase continued, the two of them threading their ways through the empty streets until they'd reached the woods in the outskirts of the city.

The person stopped, their hood falling down their shoulders to reveal it was a girl seemingly in her late teens with long platinum blonde hair framing her face, her skin as pale as the moon shimmering above her, blue eyes as cold as ice piercing into the darkness of the woods surrounding her

The ruslting sound of the leaves and the snapping of branches caused the girl to startle and whip her head around. Her hand, slowly and cautiously, crept toward the hilt of the dagger strapped at her hip, cerulean blue eyes becoming more and more wary as they darted around, searching for the source of the sound. As she shifted her gaze to the right, a sharp gasp escaped her lips as she saw a pair of terrifying scarlet eyes staring back at her firmly. The figure carrying those eyes slowly emerged from the shadows, revealing it to be the gruesome figure of a horse completely created by black sand.

The girl drew her dagger, holding it tightly in her hand and slowly took several steps back. But other sounds came from behind, causing her to turn around, only to be met with other horses the same as the first one also striding out of the darkness, their vividly red eyes glaring at her intensely. She glanced to her left and right, eyes widening as she saw more of those terrifying creatures approaching her. She was trapped.

The leading horse growled, and all of a sudden, every one of them was lunging toward the lone girl. She tossed the dagger to one side; it cut through several horses, turning them into nothing but heaps of useless black sand and plunged into the trunk of a tree nearby. More rushed toward her. She quickly thrust her arms outwards and blasts of ice immediately shot out of her palms, coating the horses as they hit them then crushed them back into powder. But the more horses she took down, more continued to charge at her. However, the girl was determined to not let any of those evil, disgusting creatures near her. She continued to hold them back with her magic, blasting streams of her icy power toward her target and turning them into what they should have been – dust.

Stretching an arm to the direction where her dagger had went, she summoned the wind, and the blade followed the gust to fly back to her outstretched hand. She grabbed it then threw it once more. The dagger flew in the air, killing a few horses as it went then disappeared into the darkness of the woods.

But this time, when she summoned it, it did not return. And the horses suddenly stopped attacking her, but remained surrounding her in a circle, keeping her in place. There was no way out for her.

The dark animals slowly parted to make a path, and a tall, skinny man in black robe stepped out of the shadows, with grey and deadly skin and spiky hair that was as dark as the night sky. In one of his hands was her dagger, which was being inspected by his grim amber eyes. He was wearing a grin across his lips, and she was disgusted by it.

"Oh, Elsa, Elsa, I'm surprised that up until now, you are still playing with this little toothpick," he said, tracing the tips of his nails along her blade, creating terrible, unpleasant hissing sounds as his eyes glancing up to meet hers.

"If you are so displeased with my little 'toothpick', then why don't you give it back, Pitch? It's not nice stealing from your sister, you know," Elsa arched an eyebrow, her eyes staring back at him with coldness and despisal.

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