Better Than A Refund.

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Hellloooo everypony, its honestly gay back here with another banggggerr literally 🔥/j

Im obsessed with these two? I like their dynamic and its just skfjnfbdjdjd

i hate people in the fandom that are so angry about the ship like...the ship isn't problematic nor is it hurting anyone. People need to stop being so negative about Banana x Pear. You don't have to like it but stop shit talkin it constantly...

but thats just my two cents.

Anyways that inside I just really wanted to do something for them <33

still drawing the cover photo so bare with me. It should be up soon (I DID IT)

 It should be up soon (I DID IT)

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"I fucking hate you." Pear says, Bananas somehow got him pinned against a wall backstage. So maybe he was overreacting a bit when Banana changed the script on him. He hated how Banana always had the higher ground and wanted to make him speechless. How to do that? By constantly yelling and insulting him.

"Sure you do darlin. But if you really hated me, then why are you grinding against my leg like that?"

About that...Pear would be lying if said that he wasn't getting turned on by the situation. Bananas leg grinding into his clit. Banana had caught him in the gift shop after the show, buying even more merch. Instead of just leaving Pear alone, he insulted him and took a stab at the others' dignity. Maybe Pear had gone a bit too far with his reaction. Far enough for Banana, who was strangely very strong, to drag him into his stage room without warning. Pear attempted to struggle and argue more but one look from Banana and Pear froze.

Why was he looking at him like that? And why did Pear find it incredibly attractive?

Banana didn't actually intend for them to have sex, rather for them to have a nice conversation. Banana kinda didn't understand where the hate came from. Towards him , it could've been towards the show. But Pear was buying merch from the show. So it had to be him right? Somehow it all just happened and Banana was feeling very satisfied by the result.

"I d-don't need you."

"Oh really? I can leave if you want me too—" Banana says, removing his leg from Pears' clit.

"No! Wait please! P-please f-fuck."

"Ah! So you do need me~" Banana says with a satisfied smirk. "Want me to help you?"

Pear, feeling shameful, nods.

"Aww~ No need to be so embarrassed Pear. I won't do anything you don't want me to do."

Bananas nub of a hand continuously rubs back up against Pears clit, making him moan.

" do you want to go all the way or—-"

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