Goodbye dear home

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How....did I get here?....
I could have stayed home, and avoided all this...
I had to risk my life, and put myself in danger....
I just had to poke around the bushes, and there she sat..
It's no wonder why they say curiosity killed the cat..

Beep, beep, beep, beep, bee-! You blink awake as your alarm goes off, you don't know how you subconsciously slapped your alarm off, but your glad you did.
  You roll out of your twin sized bed and hit the floor, "ughhhhhh..." You groan in frustration.

Your dog runs in and starts sniffing your form. "Jusss five more minnuthss, canth a man get zomee zleep?" You moan incoherently in hopes your German Shepard will finally leave you alone, Your prayers were indeed not answered when he started licking the side of your face, "Ok ok Max! i'm gettin' up,
i'm gettin' up! Mercy."

He barks happy of his success and you give him a look, he seems to have recognised your face and ran out of the room, You let out another moan and rubbed your beard, Max ran back into the room and sat in front of you, You wipe the dog drool off your face with a sanitizing wipe and

you kneel down and grab the mail, oh? An envelop? What is it this time? You thought to yourself as you opened the mail gently and read it's contents. Hmm, the agency is letting me know that where I'll move there are still some assignments and missions there, lovely... You thought as you made your

Way to the restroom, Good thing everything's boxed up, ill just have to call the moving truck. You said to yourself as you brushed your teeth and other important stuff in there, now all I gotta do is- Your internal thoughts were interrupted as you heard a vehicle honking outside your residence.

You step outside still in your pjs and bunny slippers and a cup of coffee you pre-brewed after you left the restroom, "Special agent Robinson." you saw your head chief walk around a moving truck you don't remember calling, you scratch your beard completely uncaring about how not put together you look right now, "Sarah." You greeted as you raised your coffee cup slightly above your head.

"I see you barely changed." another familiar but salty voice is heard before another woman walked around the truck, "And I see you still despise me." you said cracking and smile, she makes a face as you bring the caffeine liquid to your lips gracefully,

"We're gonna miss you Agent." Sophia says while eying down both of her immature subordinates, "Not me." the catty agent said slyly as she eyed me, Sophia shoots her another look that makes her smile slightly drop, "Anymore immature comments out of you you'll be doing some paperwork."

She then pouts and eyes me again, I smile slyly and wink as I took another sip the delicious hot liquid in my mug, "Ahem! Anyways, I have gotten other agents to clear their shifts to help you move your stuff." I lick the coffee moustache off my upper lip,

"Huh, y'know that's really nice of you but uh, I think I'm completely capable of-" you almost got your coffee knocked out of Your hands as you see your fellow agents holding all your boxes and some already going into the vehicle, Dear lord.

~3 hour time skip~

Ugh....Whoever picked this wallpaper is a fruitcake... You thought to yourself as you stared in disbelief that your bedroom wallpaper has cherries and lemons on it, you plop a box down on to the creaky bed that was definitely bigger than the one you had in your previous home.

Ms. DahliaWhere stories live. Discover now