The Eventful Night Of Horrors

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I walked home in the darkness and it's here I realized that maybe Max would probably be asleep right now, I can just put the bacon up and save it for him in the morning.

A truck drove past me and then stopped abruptly and a man comes out the truck with a crazed look in his eyes, you backed away from him motioning your hand to gun,

"Sir! Sir help me! I've lost someone deeply close to me and I need help to find her."

I put my hand away from my hip and then approached the man,

"Who? Who are you talking about? Who did you lose?"

I asked feeling pity for him, he started pacing the sidewalk and saying something in a different language the mostly sounded like panicked Spanish?

"Please sir my cat has been stolen."

A cat?

"When's the last time you've seen your cat?" I began making mental notes of his case, if something was going down I was sure to make myself useful in this new

environment, no matter how small the task, "The last time I've seen her was when I was going to feed her, she never leaves the house, she fears being out on her own and now she's gone.."

He vents looking in the direction of a bush still pacing, "She's a white tabby with a heart shaped like patch on her back, beautiful green eyes, black ears and black tail."

I gathered these notes into my head, "Have you seen her?" He asked looking at me with a pleading desperate look of a worried father, as he was.

"I'm sorry Sir, I just moved in, and I haven't seen any cats around here yet, but I assure you, that if I do, I will notify you." I said in my professional voice I hardly use.

"Bless your soul Sir, may you have a good night, please, tell me if you see even any other cats, almost everyone here is going through the same problem and it's beginning to scare me." He said getting back into his truck,

"Oh wait, here's my number." He said his eyes lighting up, he dug around his truck for something then came back out now carrying a sheet of paper, handing to me,

"Thank you Sir." I said politely, "No, Thank you, and welcome to our weird but beautiful neighborhood, I'm telling you, there are some strange people here, but as is anywhere I guess, have a good night."

"You too Sir." He gets back into his truck and drives off, I looked at the truck from behind for a while, Well, I'll dare not tell Raquel about this, she'll laugh if she heard my first assignment here was a mission to find someone's feline friend, not that I care about that right now, I'm beat,

I've been up and at em' all day, now it's time for a man to get some much needed rest, I could sure use it if I'm going to see more of the small town I've entered,

When walking back to my house I hear something that if I were in a cartoon it'd make my bones jump out of my flesh and run,

I turned slowly to the source, What the heck was that?! I thought walking to a bush as the sound worsened, it sounded like, two animals fighting, I saw something that made me almost crap myself,

a seemingly mutated giant behind turned around, hunched over from behind looking like it was killing something, I pulled my gun out and approached it slowly, it's ear twitched

and I hurried behind a bush, the behind turn to the direction of where I ran and stared me dead in my eyes, what the actual crap was this thing?!

It hissed at me and it's then I realized, it was a giant greenish brown cat, it looked like it's lived since before humans walked the earth,

and it appeared to be holding a stick with a carving of something I had no time to examine further as the mutant beast charged for me aggressively,

"No! Not today Satan!" I screamed trying to get away, but sadly I wasn't fast enough and I got pummeled down by the ugly thing onto the damp night grass fresh with early dew,

"Hey! Get offa' me Luna! I ain't do nothing to you! Waddya want!? A cat treat?!" I hollered trying to get the oversized tiger sounding thing off of me,

It snarled harshly and I tried to pull my gun out, it got smacked out of my hands and it's here when I begin to panic,

I looked up at the still snarling beast hissing in my face with it's horrid breath, "Ugh! Would it kill you to take some mints or would it melt the box?" I said trying to turn away from the smell

of leftover meat at the back of it's throat, I think about my life as it nears my face and starts scratching me up, I think about the many days and months

I've neglected living out my 20's, how I could've settled down by now, and maybe not have been in this situation.

Not like this, I elbowed the thing in the face and it let's out a gurgling shrill roar and paws at it's face, this thing looked like if a skin walker and a cat had a baby,

I coughed as the thing had slashed at my stomach in a brutal attempt to grab me, this

I limp towards my gun as I realized my leg has almost been completely torn to bits, I pick my gun up and point it at the still groaning creature and shoot it in it's arm,

the beast shrills again and I shoot it in it's eyeball causing a spray of blood to splatter on me, this would be fun to clean up... Let alone explain without

being dragged to hoosegow, it ran off angrily and I stood for a while, the adrenaline left my veins, and if I thought the pain in my leg and entire body was bad before,

I began screaming in extreme agony and more blood began to pour out of my body, god, help me, I know I don't pray as often, or read the bible so much,

But please, don't let me die, I can't go out like this... "Someone HELP!! I'VE BEEN ATTACKED!! CALL-" Is all I could say as my voice weakened, and my breath sharpened, before my lights went out........

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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