Chapter ~3~

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"This thing doesn't live in a swamp."

"That thing isn't dead??"

"That thing isn't dead??"

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"Hey!" Henri tells Dr. Sattler who reaches her body out the moving Jeep and grabs one of the leaves that hang from one of the low branches of the vegetation. Henri mimics a speakerphone in her hands and says in a robotic voice " Please Keep , Hands, Arms , Feet and Legs inside the Vehicle Until it has come to a complete stop."

"Wait a minute. I recognize this leaf?" Dr. Sattler says as she holds it in her hands.

Henri is not yet done with her gag yet as she repeats the words in Spanish, "Por favor mantenga los maños brazos , pies y piernas  dentro el vehículo hasta que se detenga por completo."

"It took me a minute to recognize this but I'm certain now."

"Si prega di tenere mani, braccia, piedi e gambe all'interno del veicolo finché non si è completamente fermato." Henri says wrapping up the last of her joke and because Ian threw a gum wrapper at her head.

"All right, slow down. Slow. Stop, stop, stop, stop!" Henri can hear Hammond yelling in the background and pulls the car to a stop slowly mumbling the same curse word her father always did under her breath.

She shakes her head getting rid of her annoyance at Hammond and settles on giving Dr. Sattler all her attention. "This shouldn't be here." Dr. Sattler tells them and Henri and Ian share a glance to cause him to shrug.

"We're in the tropics? Why shouldn't this leaf be here?" Henri questions.

It's green... a plant. It was growing from the ground... what exactly is so special about that plant? But Dr. Sattler was excited so it makes sense to listen to her.

"It's because this species of veriforman has been extinct since the Cretaceous period

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"It's because this species of veriforman has been extinct since the Cretaceous period. Alan look! I mean this thing--" two hands, one belonging to Ian and another belonging to Dr. Grant each grab and bob the two women in front's heads to look at what they want the other to look at.

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