Chapter ~ 4~

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"I don't think I'll ever be able to eat steak again."

"Well the menu is Chilean Sea Bass! Delicious!"

"Well the menu is Chilean Sea Bass! Delicious!"

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"G'day, Henry." John Hammond greets and Henri's eyes light up.

"Good day Sir." Henry Wu greets politely his eyes flickering to Henri who's officially stepped back to give the others a chance to talk to the Head Scientist.

"I'm a Henri too!" She grins to Doctor Wu.

"I'll go by Dr. Wu while you're here then."  Henry Wu smiles , already fond of the woman he's met only a few moments ago.

"Dr. Wu was just explaining how the incubation machine works!" Henri bubbles out to the others. Ian doesn't know why he's relieved when he sees that she's just being herself.

It's not that he's never seen Henri flirt to get what she wants but he feels a lot better she's not using that to secure Dr. Wu's potential loyalty.

Ellie Sattler nods , her own eyes watching the scene observantly. "It's turning the eggs."

Dr. Grant points his finger and the group focuses on an egg that has started wiggling. Dr. Wu's smile grows fond. "Oh, perfect timing. I was hoping they'd hatch before I had to go to the boat." Henri's eyes light up and she bounces up and down slightly with childish excitement.

John Hammond joins in the excitement with a "Henry, Henry! Why didn't you tell me? I insist on being here when they're born." As he lifts it with gentle hands cradling the small egg. "Come on. Come on, little one."

"Is he doing that so it can imprint on him? Wouldn't it make sense to have the hatchlings imprint on their caretakers? Or faces they'll see every day?" Henri asks looking up at Dr. Wu in excitement.

"Mr. Hammond is very determined to be involved in the day to day lives of these reptiles." Dr. Wu whispers down to Henri in explanation. "He's a great man and I'm lucky to work with him."

"That or he's lucky to work with you." Henri laughs, "I've yet to meet another scientist to come up with the experimental medicine to possibly save my daughters life. Much less bring dinosaurs back to life. You're brilliant!"

Despite everyone's eyes including Henri's on the dinosaurs egg, Ian and Dr. Wu are looking at Henri.

To Henri, she looks like someone who's complimenting another person and unknowingly dropping a bomb of information without realizing it. To Ian.... He knows she has at least dropped this bomb on purpose.

Unless every bomb she's dropped has been this way, a silent and subtle call for help and he's spent his whole time thinking she was only just speaking without a filter for a moment.

Ian swallows and follows Henri's lead to watch the eggs hatch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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