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Dante heard everything on the way to his father. There was not much else to do but listen to Chloe's betrayal and the argument between Sully and Nate as the car drove between the streets. Jo had stuffed him into the trunk of their black jeep, probably to amuse herself. Dante didn't mind it so much. It was quite a large space and he could lie down and rest his aching muscles. He still had his camera around his neck, the small thing battered but still working, though Jo had take his bag. He supposed he was glad now that he had left the cross and the journal with Sully, at least someone could get the gold if it wasn't him. (That tasted bitter in his mouth. He wanted to get the gold, dammit).

"Dante?" Nate's voice in his ear disturbed him from his sulking. Dante sighed deeply, listening to the car as hummed. They seemed to be stuck in traffic.

"What happened to North?" He replied quietly, just loud enough for the earpiece to pick it up but not too loud.

Nate chuckled and it was tired. "Your first name is prettier". There was a pause in which Nate exhaled shakily. He sounded like he was walking through the streets of the city. Dante caught snapshots of background noise. "Did you know about Sam?"

Dante inhaled slowly. He wasn't sure what to feel. Sad, of course, Sam had been his friend. Anger. Jo was never someone he had liked but she was definitely worse now. Surprise, no. He wondered if he should have been surprised but he had suspected that something had happened when he first saw Sully with Nate. Sam wouldn't have given up the cross and the gold so easily. Not without a fight. Nor would he have dragged his brother into danger, Sam had spoken with too much care in is voice to put Nate into the middle of things. "No I didn't. I had a guess that something happened. But I didn't know he was dead. I'm so sorry Nate".

Nate paused and he heard a choked off sob. "I just wanted to see him again".

"He may not be dead?" Dante tried, voice quiet. "If Sully only saw him get shot, then maybe it wasn't a fatal wound? He could still be out there somewhere?" It was weak and he knew it. He had never been good at this consolation business. "I mean, all you can do is hope right?"

"Right", Nate's replied was a mumble. The car bumped over a curb and Dante smacked his head against the wall of the trunk. He groaned and rubbed at the spot with a muttered curse. He bet that Jo had done that on purpose. "What was that?" Nate asked, voice rising slightly at the change in topic, the grief folded down and tucked away. Yet there was still a vulnerable quality to his voice.

"Smacked my head when the car went over a bump", Dante hissed.

"Where are you?"

"Locked in a trunk of a car on the way to be delivered to my father", Dante huffed. "Could be worse".

"Do you need a rescue?" Nate sounded serious and Date smiled, charmed in the dark.

"That's a lovely offer but I doubt that Sully will agree. I should be fine, but I will keep you updated". He sighed deeply. "Just not looking forward to the family reunion. My father is going to be so pissed".

"Hide the ear piece. Then we can come and find you", Nate instructed.

"Aww you do care", Dante grinned.

"Of course. You're the only person who hasn't lied to me yet", despite the joking tone, there was a raw under layer in his voice.

Dante sighed and closed his eyes. Damn Drake boys and their ability to make him feel guilty. "I have lied to you. But it was only a lie of omission rather a direct lie. Nothing too bad, like working for Moncada or about Sam. But I lie to everyone". The truth was heavy in his tongue and it made him speak hesitantly, quietly.

Nate sighed deeply, with a frustrated exhaustion that felt very familiar. "So what was your lie?"

"Technically North is my mother's maiden name, and my middle name. My father's name gives me sort of a bad rep", Dante spoke quietly. "I haven't used that surname in eight years. Not since I left at sixteen. My work and his are not related".

"What, don't tell me the rumour of you being Moncada's son is actually true?" Nate joked with a forced lightness. Dante didn't reply. A pause. "Wait. Really?"

"Surprise?" He offered with a wince.

"Wow. I feel like I've been through more surprises the last week than I have been through my whole life", Nate's scowl was audible. "I don't even know who to be mad at anymore".

"So, you're mad at me?" Dante asked curiously. He was tired and something about this conversation in the dark made him feel safe, like he could spill his guts and Nate would take it all and still be there. He rarely got that feeling about someone. Maybe it was the sadness over the news of Sam's death, their shared grief. Or maybe it was the fact that Dante was actually concerned about what would happen when he saw his father. Moncada had never been the type to hit his child, but Dante wouldn't have put him down to patricide either, but his grandfather had sounded concerned enough.

"Not really", Nate sighed deeply. "More at Sully, at Chloe. I guess I should have listened to the warnings". A pause and then the other boy was speaking again. "What was your relationship with Sam?"

"Oh", Dante breathed, trying to assemble the right words to describe it. "It was complicated. I met him seven years ago, when I was seventeen and he was twenty two. At first he saw me as a brother, I think it's because I am the same age as you. So during the whole Mexico trip he acted like an older brother to me. Sewed me up when Sully shot me, made sure I had something to protect myself with. He told me stories about you".

"Did he?"

"Yeah. Like the time you two snuck into that museum to look at the map?" Dante chuckled softly. "I still have that photo of us. I didn't know it was you though. We were so small".

"Wait", Nate's voice rose in surprise. "That kid with the camera was you? You were so small!"

"Yeah. I didn't know it was you either until Sam told me the story. It was such a strange coincidence. I guess breaking and entering was always a"- Dante broke off as he felt the car pull into park. The engine cut off and he froze. "Shit. They're coming. I've got to go", he hissed as he pulled the comm from his ear and tucked it into his breast pocket. Not a moment too soon as the boot was pulled open and bright light blinded him. He squinted as arms reached in and he was pulled roughly out and set onto his feet.

"Come on Mr North", Jo's voice called as he adjusted to the change in position, eyes still blinking under the lights. "Your father is waiting for you". Dante huffed as the guards let go and he was pushed forwards to follow her as she turned and strode presumably towards the doors out of the car park and into the building.


Bonding while one is stuck in a boot and the other is grieving. Nice.

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