Chapter 1

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Awe-struck. There is no better word to describe the feeling of seeing Jiang Wanyin dancing on stage. The magic he created was out of this world. Each move and expression told a different story, from happiness to sadness, from exasperation to anger, everything was shown with care for every small detail. Perfection. The world created through Jiang Wanyin's artistry was simply perfect.

The first time Lan Xichen was able to witness his talent was five years prior, in one of the training rooms of The Royal Ballet School. He was asked by one of his professors at the Royal Academy of Music to accompany an eighteen-year-old ballet dancer during his training and develop a joint performance. His music and Jiang Wanyin's dancing. He never thought that he could create such harmony with a total stranger.

Five years have passed since then, and yet Lan Xichen still marvelled at the grace and lightness with which Jiang Wanyin makes even the most difficult dance routine seem so simple. He was like a dandelion floating in the air to the rhythm of the wind's melody on a sunny summer day.

Oh, how lucky he was to be blessed with his love.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Lan Xuchen jumped, scared by the sudden whisper.

He turned around and smiled broadly at his beloved.

"As always, I am thinking about you. You should be paying rent for staying in my head at this rate." He chuckled, pecking Jiang Cheng's lips.

"Mhmm. Whatever you wish. Name your price."

He faked thinking for a moment and looked at A-Cheng, "Maybe some dinner, and later I will give you a massage? Your feet must be sore."

Jiang Cheng took his hand in his own hand and they started walking towards the exit.

"Sounds like a plan."


"Jiang Cheng does so well, you must be very proud of him," Madam Jin said, casting a smile at her best friend's son.

"Oh please, you are saying it as if A-Xuan wasn't the same."

"That's only because A-Cheng practised with him. He may be bright, but he's not as bright as him. It's worth a compliment, after all A-Huan is older than him."

"Well, A-Cheng finds it surprisingly enjoyable to work on all sorts of dance routines. You know it, he always preferred dancing and learning how to play various instruments over playing with his siblings and the rest of the kids."

Madame Jiang loved being complimented for her children's achievements. It gave her a weird sense of fulfilment and superiority over her friends, whose children weren't that talented. A-Li was a great cook, currently studying under a famous chef in Italy, A-Cheng was a gifted dancer, no choreography was difficult for him, and he did more than just ballet, and A-Xian was extremely crafty, being able to create something awe-striking in a surprisingly short amount of time. Also, all three of them could play at least two instruments, with the ability to play the piano being required by their parents. A-Li played piano and harp, A-Xian dizi, piano, and acoustic guitar, and A-Cheng was able to play all the instruments that his siblings did with the addition of the violin. He was also at the beginner's level of playing xiao, but that was only for fun, as it was his boyfriend who gave him lessons when both of them had some free time to spare for that.

The only ones who could truly match the Jiang siblings were the Lan brothers with their equally divine musical capabilities, and Jin Guangyao with his dance achievements almost as good as Jiang Cheng's.

Yu Ziyuan thought for a moment and the pen looked back at Madame Jin, "It just came to my mind. Why didn't you ask A-Yao to practice with his brother? He is also very talented, and from what I know he has had no performances scheduled lately."

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