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"Friends with benefits? We not even friends.."

"Good gosh!" You plop down on the couch in your dressing room EXHAUSTED your usually not tired after dancing so much throughout the night but today? You were. You just did 5 performances in a row so you were praying to the gods that you didn't have to get back up no time soon or maybe your lovely manager would send you home early.

So much happened in one day, at eren and armins place- wait? I haven't seen the mas- I mean eren at all tonight? He didn't come around his usual time he usually always comes in at.

*knock knock knock

You look at the door to see one of the dancers peek through, "y/n you have a costumer for a private dance, this one look new tho."

You cock your head as the door closes, "new" the only person I ever danced for was eren, who is this new person? Probably some random. You fixed yourself in the mirror as you reapplied some lipstick and fixed your stockings. You get up sliding your heals back on then exiting the room. Heels clicking as you make your way to the private room, the curtains already shut and the bodyguard standing next to it, you peaked in just to see how this random guy looked only to be shocked to the point of snatching the curtains back closed. Why the fuck was Levi sitting on the couch?! Shouldn't he be grading papers around this time or something and not at the fucking strip club??? I got lucky last time because of how loud the music was and the lighting being slightly dark but the private dance room have the right amount of lighting and the music is barely loud in there, levi will notice me as soon as i speak, Im fucking done and I can't even back out of this because he requested "ME"!

"Shit! This is so bad! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" I was pacing outside of the private room as the bodyguard watched me freak out not having any idea whats even happening.

"Oh yeah!" I ran to my managers office and asked her to turn the music up a little louder in the private room I forgot that was an option that'll help me out enough, it's not much but enough cause I can't change up my voice for shit, I mean I'll try kinda, maybe, ughh I'm so fucked!

Standing outside of the private room again, I changed my masked to hide more of my face so he wouldn't noticed more of my features. Finally bringing up the courage I walked into the room nodding to the bodyguard who moved farther away from the private room. I turned to Levi who had his legs crossed as he wore grayish white dress pants and a white bottom up shirt, his sleeves rolled up, that expensive ass watch on display as he was drinking a glass of wine that was placed one the side table. My eyes were so blessed I couldn't even look away, isn't it a crime to look this sexy? He noticed my presence as he watched me staring at him, he smirked as he stood up walking my way, I didn't even notice he stood up until he placed a finger under my chin lifting it up to meet his eyes, the eye contact he was giving me damn near made my legs go weak, bitch snap out of it! I look away as I realized what was happening, the dance, let's finish it and leave. You place your hand on his chest and damn was he fit, you pushed him backwards back towards the couch pushing him down.

"Am I finally going to get my dance baby." Levi gets himself comfortable on the couch as he go to pour another drink, this Levi was wayyyyyy different then the "professor Levi" in class, I feel like I'm looking at a completely different person. You climb on top of him as your knees sink down in the couch cushions on each side of his thighs, you tried limiting your voice so he wouldn't notice you, "how was your day sexy?" You say trying to get him to talk about himself more so you wouldn't have to keep up conversation.

You begin dancing as you hear the music get louder, levi tried telling you about his day which was kinda hard due to his attention being taken from how you were dancing on him, he licked his bottom lip as he had the urge to reach his hands out to rub those soft plush thighs of yours, he looked up to your face which was 85% covered by the masked you wore the only part revealing was the lower half of your face.

"Can i touch you?" He asked you without hesitation, he just had to see how soft your skin felt instead of looking, admiring, your body. You hesitated, should you actually let your "teacher" touch you? You thought, shit this might be his only time coming here, plus I'm the one who said I would dance for him so this is a one time thing and then I'm done. No more men problems after this.

So what the hell let's go for it. You look at him as you nod giving him the approval, Levi slowly slid his big veiny hands up your thighs sending shivers up your spine, can I actually call myself a whore for having 3 men touch me in just one day? Actually out of all 3 I only had sex with one so i think im good.

Levi admired your body wherever his hands wondered, before he could go any further the bodyguard called from outside the curtain saying that time was up. You ran your hands down Levi chest as you lean in licking his earlobe before standing which Levi followed after grabbing you by your face connecting your lips, you were surprised, shocked, this shit was going to far.

I feel like I'm so fucked right now.

You get home after you danced 3 more dances after your dance with Levi, you threw yourself on the couch just exhausted at this point, for some reason the college wasn't going to be open tomorrow due to a teachers meeting, which I am grateful for which means I get to sleep in. You grab the tv remote putting on SpongeBob to lighten up the mood and make you forget about today's events. Eren, armin and Levi huh? Damn.... Im pulling all the fine people! You smiled to yourself as you felt a great achievement just happened. Turning the tv up, you go to sort yourself out changing out of your clothes, only for your phone to ring as soon as you took off your shirt. You looked at the caller Id to see eren calling you.

"Jeagerthewhore" FaceTime video:

You roll your eyes just hoping you'd have a peace of mind tonight, spoke to soon. You answer the phone setting it up so you wouldn't have to hold it while you get ready,

"What jeager." You say as you ramble through your drawer trying to find a big shirt.

"Well hello and thanks for blessing my eyes on this beautiful night." You roll your eyes as you pull out the shirt throwing it on the bed and some other stuff to use to get yourself ready.

"Eren what I'm getting ready to lay down." You say sitting down, in front of the phone waiting for eren to tell you the reason for his disturbance as you were about to freshen up and make a nice meal and look at spongebob.

"Well y/n there's no need for the attitude now is there hm?" Eren was this close to being hung up on, he better be lucky I answered the phone. "In 3 2 1......"

"Okay okay I came up with a solution to our problem sheesh." Your ears perked up knowing what he was referring too, you gave him the face signaling that you were listening. " okay I was thinking why not be friends with benefits and we wouldn't have to worry about me spilling your secrets about you being a part time stripper?" You look at him in disbelief, shit probably disgust.

"Eren friends with benefits? We not even friends."

A/n: omg am I really back😱 yes I have returned! Srry i didn't mean to be gone so long lmao but don't worry I'm here.


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