Best First Date Ever (Narry Oneshot)

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A/N: HI! So I finally wrote my first oneshot! It's Narry of course :D Enjoy! xxx

''Come on, Niall! It'll be fun!', Harry said excitedly.

''Uhm, I don't know, Harry...'', Niall looked to the huge Ferris wheel in front of him.

He and Harry where on their first real date. Niall had been nervous for a week because he didn't want to let Harry down on their first date.

A few weeks ago Harry had finally found the courage to tell Niall about his crush on his best friend. Niall had reacted surprised at first but then he had realised harry had confessed his love for him.

He always hoped Harry would fall for him one day and he had never expected the feelings were mutual. And that's how it all started. They were taking it slow because it was new, for both of them. But when Harry had asked Niall if we wanted to go on a date with him, Niall had reacted by throwing his arms round Harry's neck and kissing him passionately. ''Of course.'', Niall had mumbled against Harry's lips.

So now they were standing here on the fair in front of a Ferris wheel and harry was determined to go on it together. Niall had never been a fan of heights. Oh, who was he kidding? He hated heights. He was terrified. But he couldn't resist Harry's puppy dog eyes.

''But it's really high...'', Niall whined.

''Niall, you're overreacting! It's not that high.'', Harry protested.  

''Erm... I'm not sure about this, Harry... What if the Ferris wheel suddenly stops moving? What if we are stuck up there for the rest of our lives?'', Niall said dramatically. 

But Niall couldn't change Harry's mind. No, Harry knew Niall would find it beautiful up there. 

''Niaaaaall, do it for me.'', Harry pouted. ''Pleaaaaaase?''

''Ugh, okay.'', Niall said finally. ''But only for you.''

Harry giggled. ''Aww, I'll protect you, NiallyBoo!'', he cooed. 

Harry dragged Niall to the entrance and they stood in line for the Ferris wheel. Niall's hands started trembling and his heartbeat became faster. He really didn't want to go. But he also didn't want to let Harry down. He wanted this date to be perfect, so he agreed but as they came closer to the entrance, Niall started to overthink his action.

'What if the bars of the cart aren't strong enough and it breaks and they both fall out of the cart? It's really high! I mean, they could die! That happens sometimes!! Oh my god, what am I doing here?', Niall thought to himself.

Harry noticed Niall's trembling hands so he wrapped his warm, soft hand around Niall's clammy one.

''It's gonna be okay, Ni. Relax.'', Harry said as he tried to calm is now shaking boyfriend down.  

They were in front of the line so it was their turn to step in the cart. As they sat down, the Ferris wheel started moving again. Terrified, Niall clung to Harry. His eyes tightly shut. He wanted this to be over as soon as possible. 

When they reached the top, Niall still hadn't opened his eyes. He was cuddled up to Harry and clung on him for dear life. Harry had his arms wrapped comforting around Niall. 

''Open your eyes, love.'', Harry whispered, brushing his lips against Niall's ear softly.

It made Niall shiver but he didn't open his eyes. 

''No, I'm scared, Haz.'', Niall's voice trembled when he talked to Harry.

''Please, it'll be worth it. I promise.'', Harry soothed his boyfriend.

Slowly Niall opened his eyes. He was met by the most beautiful sight in the world. They were on top of the Ferris wheel and they could look over the whole city. It was getting dark so they looked over an enlightened city. 

''Wow.''', was the only thing Niall managed to say.

He looked up to his curly haired boyfriend and studied his face. Harry looked in awe to the sight in front of them. He slowly turned his head and blue eyes met green. The stared in each others eyes as they leaned in. Their lips met and, as cliché as it may sound, fireworks erupted in their stomachs. Their lips moved together perfectly and Niall felt safe in Harry's arms. He wished they could stay in this moment  forever, because this was all he needed.

When they pulled away after a long, loving kiss, they realised the ride was almost over. Harry pouted and Niall had to admit that he was also disappointed the ride was already coming to an end.

They exited the Ferris wheel and walked over the fair with their hands entwined.

''It wasn't that bad, right?'', Harry said teasingly.

''No, but that's because you were there to hold me.'', Niall said with a grin.

''You're so cheesy sometimes!'', Harry laughed. ''Come on, let's get some ice cream!''

Harry tugged Niall along and soon they were giggling and running over the fair. Yes, definitly the best date ever. <3

A/N: Sooo, what do you think?? 

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