Cartman feels down

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Eric Cartman sat on his bed, staring blankly at the wall. He had never felt so down before. Life was a cruel joke, and he was the punchline. He wanted to leave earth, to escape from the pain and the hurt.

But he couldn't do it alone. He needed someone to talk to, someone who would understand him. He didn't have any true friends, but there was one person who he knew would listen to him, even if it was Kyle.

Kyle Brovlovski was the last person Eric would ever admit to liking. They had been enemies for years, constantly bickering and insulting each other. But maybe, just maybe, Kyle would be the one to help him now.

Eric took a deep breath and picked up the phone, dialing Kyle's number. Kyle answered on the third ring.

"Hello?" he said, sounding wary.

"Hey, it's me," Eric said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"What do you want?" Kyle asked, still suspicious.

"I...I don't know, Kyle. I just feel really...down, you know?" Eric said, feeling a lump form in his throat.

There was a long pause, and Eric thought that Kyle had hung up on him. But then, he heard Kyle sigh.

"Where are you? I'll come over," Kyle said.

Eric could hardly believe it. He had expected Kyle to hang up on him, or at the very least, taunt him and make fun of him. But here Kyle was, offering to come over and comfort him.

A few minutes later, Kyle arrived at Eric's house. Eric could hear him making his way up the stairs, and he felt something cold and heavy in his chest. What if Kyle laughed at him? What if he thought Eric was weak?

But then Kyle walked into the room, and Eric saw something in his eyes that he had never seen before- concern. Kyle sat down next to Eric on the bed.

"What's going on, Eric?" he asked gently.

Eric felt his throat close up. He couldn't talk, couldn't form any words. He just sat there, shaking.

"It's okay, you don't have to talk if you don't want to," Kyle said, putting a hand on Eric's shoulder.

Eric felt a rush of emotions- fear, embarrassment, gratitude. He didn't know what to do, so he just leaned into Kyle's side, feeling the warmth of his body.

They sat like that for a while, Kyle offering silent comfort while Eric cried silently. Eventually, Eric felt himself start to calm down. He straightened up and wiped his eyes.

"Thanks, Kyle," he said, feeling a sense of relief.

Kyle looked at him, his eyes dark with emotions that Eric couldn't quite read.

"Of course, dude. I'm always here for you," he said softly.

Eric looked at him, really looked at him for the first time. He saw the lines around Kyle's eyes, the slight quirk to his lips. He felt his heart skip a beat.

"Kyle," he said tentatively, "I don't know how to say this, but I think I you."

Kyle's eyes widened, and Eric felt a surge of fear. He had really screwed up now, hadn't he?

But then Kyle leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips, and Eric knew that everything was going to be okay.

A/N: this is based off of a personal vent. i understand if this is cringe, but please don't joke about this fic, you're free to joke about the others, though!

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