Out for a Jog.

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So it's 7:02am. The time when 18 year old girls who have the day off work would usually be curled up in bed, still in the land of the nod.

But here's me, In running clothes and my red hair scraped into a bun. I look atrocious, but it's time for Melanie Powers to go on her first run ever.

I step outside my front door, It's quite warm today. Surprising really considering I live just outside London where it's always bloody raining. I ran down my street, turning onto the main road.

I had ran for about 35 minutes when I physically couldn't move my legs. I sat down on someone's garden wall whilst I caught my breath. I sat watching who little children play on the path, they were throwing a green ball to each other. Playing time bomb from what I could see. Suddenly, a black cat jumped out of nowhere. It sent me flying backwards and over the wall that I was sat on. I hit the ground with a huge crash, taking the plant pots with me. I heard laughter from the boys across the road.

I reached for my wrist as a huge pain seared through it. I heard a door opening behind me and a gasp.

"What the bloody hell happened here?" I heard an Irish accent proclaim, playfully.

"I... I..um... was taking a breather on your wall, and then the cat... and I... I fell back with the plants... and I'm sorry but... I think I've broken my arm..." I winced in pain as I tried to sit up, so I lay back, defeated.

The Irish boy towered over me. He looked up in thought for a second before reaching down to my waist and shoulders and picking me up bridal-style.

He took me in through his front door and set me down on his sofa. An older woman with short, brown-blonde hair walked in from the kitchen with a tea-towel in her hands. She gave me a friendly yet surprised smile. I presumed she was his mother.

"Niall, what's happened?" A concerned look painted her face.

The boy, who I now know as Niall, explained the story to his mum. She looked at me pitifully and then looked into the kitchen.

"Do you want a cup of tea, love? Then Niall will drive you to the hospital, it's pointless waiting for an ambulance Hun, you're not dying are you?" She said with a chuckle.

I nodded at the thought of tea and leaned back onto the sofa. Niall had disappeared upstairs and I heard him thundering back down.

"Your jumper's got a lot of mud on it, here, you can borrow this one. Means you've got to see me again now." He chuckled to himself, throwing me the jumper.

"I'm only joking, It's just my way of being friendly, let me know if I'm being too bad, won't you?" He continued.

I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed, he's cute, don't stop flirting with me stupid!

I chuckled as I read what the jumper said. 'I'd rather be sleeping.'

He saw me laughing and raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, that's my favourite jumper, so not only do you have to look after it but you also have to return it to me in a weeks time." He winked playfully.

"Why a week?" I enquired.

"Jesus, come sooner if you really want!" He gasped, mocking a shocked expression.

I laughed at him, accidentally hitting my wrist off the sofa. I winced in pain.

"By the way, your hair has kind of half fallen out, so you look like a nun, just saying." He laughed mischievously.

I reached up with my good wrist and let my auburn hair tumble to my shoulders. Niall watched me intently.

"I know.. it's a mess right?" I laughed emptily.

"No it's nice, reminds me of home, proper Irish broad's hair you have." He smiled meaningfully,

Niall's mum walked into the room before I had chance to say anything else. She handed me my tea in a travel mug and ushered us towards the door.

"Go on pet, you're gonna have to go now in case it gets any worse." She helped me pull Niall's jumper over my head and motioned towards mine on the sofa.

"I'll wash it for you, just pick it up another day." I nodded as I was practically escorted out of the house.

Niall laughed as he unlocked his car, opening the door for me.

"I'm sorry about her, she just cares that's all." He grinned.

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