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The first five minutes in the car were silence. Neither of us really new what to say to each other. Instead of speaking, I just watched him, he had beautiful blonde hair, the roots were a darker brown which meant he probably dyed his hair but it suited him. His arms were not too big but not small either, and his biceps rippled when he gripped the wheel. His fashion sense was cute, slogan t-shirts and skinny jeans with trainers or vans. His eyes were the most intense blue, the kind of eyes that you'd get lost in. His teeth were perfectly straight, you could tell that he had probably worn braces at some point. He had a perfect complexion, no spots or scars on his face, and he had a swish of light facial hair, not enough to describe him with, but it was there and it was adorable. He was an extremely attractive boy.

My guess was that he had a girlfriend, probably blonde. One of those girls with an amazing voice. She probably had perfect hair, perfect teeth, a perfect figure and rich parents. Niall seemed like the kind to attract someone who is equally as perfect as he is. They probably went to prom together, she probably wore a huge pink dress, and they probably went to prom in a horse and carriage. It was probably perfect... Just like them.

My trance was broken when Niall cleared his throat. I snapped out of it and looked forward.

"Have you finished?" He chuckled.

" What?" I cleared my own throat.

"Analysing me?" He raised a playful, sarcastic eyebrow.

"I wasn't... Just looking at you that's all.." I tried to save the situation.

"Well, do you have any questions? You certainly look like you do..." He enquired.

It came out of my mouth before I could even stop it.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I said, before clapping a hand to my mouth.

"No... Not any more. Not since about 4 months ago." He reassured me.

We pulled onto the hospital car park and walked into A&E. Niall registered me and we sat in the waiting room. After an hour of waiting, my name was finally called. A friendly looking nurse came to fetch me, she had brown hair and was very short.

"Are you Melanie Powers?" She asked with a smile.

I nodded.

"Come through here, would you like your... boyfriend to come through too?" She looked at Niall.

"He's not my boyfriend.. but yeah I suppose he can come through." I laughed.

We walked down a long corridor and into a room with lots of curtains.

The nurse asked me lots of questions. Niall stood next to her and listened to her every word. I laughed at how serious he was being. The nurse issued me with painkillers and a doctor came into the room and fixed a splint to my wrist.

"What does that do?" I heard Niall say for the 6th time since being here.

The nurse explained to him how it kept my wrist in place to stop any furtehr damage being done.

"Have you eaten or drank anything since the accident?" She asked.

"Yeah I had a cup of tea." I answered, looking at Niall as he giggled.

"Well, if your bone is misaligned when we do the x-ray, we won't be able to operate until everything you have eaten or drank is out of your system okay?"

I nodded.

Niall couldn't come into the x-ray room with me. But when we came out, I found out that I had a simple clean break, which meant that I wouldn't need surgery anyway, the nurse would just put a cast on to heal the bones by themselves.

As she was doing the cast on my arm, she asked what colour I would like.

"Niall, you choose." I told him, I wasn't really bothered.

His face lit up.

"Do green because I'm Irish!" He almost shouted.

The nurse and I both laughed.

As we were walking back to the car, Niall kept sneaking peeks at my arm.

"You can never forget me now!" He grinned.

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