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So nick and charlie meet on day at a coffe shop and then start dating (this is all during the summer). Then charlie going back to school and his home form teacher is nick and he's like oh shit that sucks oh well, and nicks the same. And then they continue dating but in secret cause it's illegal to date ur teacher, and they get really kinky with the teacherxstudent stuff and the eventually they have a kid. And one day charlie is really late for class cause he was taking care of the kid and nick is all — guess ur gonna have to be punished for being late 🥵😏😫😉. And then they screw on nicks teacher desk and no one sees them cause nicks the last teacher to leave school and they're late to pick up their kid cause of this and their kid is really unimpressed and knowes that they fucked cause they both look really deshevelled. The End.

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