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Shoutout to the best people I know
5sos_marly_synchro Shonie5SOS Dacer17 20sgirardi 20mmerritt 20ecarr 20gwindon
Ily guys so much and you guys have helped me through so much this school year and even though I'll see some of you this summer, I'm still gonna miss you guys all summer!
Thanks Marley for making me laugh and laughing at my jokes even when they're not funny at all😂
Thanks Shontay for actually understanding me when I'm hard to understand and thanks for singing with me while everyone else was playing volleyball at Emma's😂
Thanks Pierce for being the best guy friend I'll ever have and thanks for putting up with me through my most annoying moments😂
Thanks Savanna for being my friend I can be as weird around as I want without being made fun of and we will find Tajerkey😂
Thanks Megan for being there for me since we met and thanks for making me laugh when I feel like I'll never smile again
Thanks Emma for being hilarious and always making me laugh and being one of the best digital age partners ever😂
And finally, thanks Gwen for helping me with all my cutie problems😂🍊 and for understanding apples😂🍎

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